Upper Leg Injuries Flashcards
Which of the following is a test used to evaluate extensibility of the quads?
- A. Ely’s test
- B. Thomas test
- C. Ober’s test
- D. Lachman’s test
Contusions and strains in the upper leg are most commonly found in which muscle group?
- A. Ilipsoas
- B. Quads
- C. Adductors
- D. Hamstrings
What does the Thomas test evaluate?
- A. Knee stability
- B. Hip flexor tightness
- C. Quadriceps strength
- D. Hamstrings extensibility
Which test can be used to evaluate the flexibility of the hamstrings?
- A. Straight leg raise
- B. Prone knee bend
- C. Thomas test
- D. Ely’s test
An injury to which muscle group is referred to as a “true groin strain”?
- A. Adductors
- B. Abductors
- C. Quads
- D. Iliopsoas
Which of the following muscles is not part of the adductor group?
- A. Adductor brevis
- B. Adductor longs
- C. Gracilis
- D. Gluteus medius
IT band syndrome primarily affects which area?
- A. Medial knee
- B. Lateral knee
- C. Anterior thigh
- D. Posterior thigh
What is the Ober’s test used to evaluated?
- A. IT band syndrome
- B. Hip flexor strength
- C. Adductor strain
- D. Hamstrings tightness
Which injury is characterized by inflammation of the IT band?
- A. MCL tear
- B. IT band syndrome
- C. Meniscus tear
- D. Quad contusion
The Noble’s test is +ve if pain is felt at what degree of knee flexion?
- A. 15
- B. 30
- C. 45
- D. 60
Myositis ossificans is a potential complication of which type of injury?
- A. Bone fracture
- B. Ligament tears
- C. Muscle contusion
- D. Strain
A common symptom of adductor strain is:
- A. Swelling around the knee
- B. Pain in the inner thigh
- C. Numbness in the leg
- D. Decreased hip mobility
True or false?
The hamstrings group include the semitendinosus, semimembranosus and the rectus femoris.
Which muscle is not part of the quadriceps group?
- A. Vastus medialis
- B. Rectus femoris
- C. bicep femoris
- D. Vastus Intermedius
True or false?
The abductor muscle group include the gluterus medius, gluteus maximus and the tensor fascia latae.
Glutes: Gluteus Maximus
Origin: Posterior Iliac crest, sacrum, coccyx
Insertion: Iliotibial band & gluteal tuberosity of femur
Action: Extension & Abduction & lateral rotation
Innervation: Inferior gluteal nerve
Glutes: Gluteus Medius
Origin: Outer ilium
Insertion: Greater trochanter
Action: Abduction & Lateral & Medial rotation
Innervation: Superior gluteal nerve
Glutes: Gluteus Minimus
Origin: Outer ilium
Insertion: Greater trochanter
Action: Abduction & Lateral & Medial Rotation
Innervation: Superior gluteal nerve
Quad: Rectus Femoris
Origin: Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine (AIIS)
Insertion: Tibial tuberosity
Action: Knee extension & hip flexion
Innervation: Femoral nerve
Quad: Vastus Lateralis
Origin: Lateral lip of linea aspera
Insertion: Tibial tuberosity
Action: Knee extension
Innervation: Femoral nerve
Quad: Vastus Intermedius
Origin: Anterior lateral surface of femur
Insertion: Tibial tuberosity
Action: Knee extension
Innervation: Femoral nerve
Quad: Vastus Medialis
Origin: Medial lip of linea aspera
Insertion: Tibial tuberosity
Action: Knee extension
Innervation: Femoral nerve
Adductor: Adductor Longus
Origin: anterior surface of pubis
Insertion: medial lip of linea aspera
Action: Hip adduction & flexion
Innervation: Obturator nerve
Adductor: Adductor Brevis
Origin: Body and inferior ramus of pubis
Insertion: medial lip of linea aspera
Action: Hip adduction & flexion
Innervation: Obturator nerve
Adductor: Gracilis
Origin: Anterior body & inferior ramus of pubis
Insertion: Proximal anterior medial tibia
Action: Hip adduction & flexion
Innervation: Obturator nerve
Hamstrings: Semitendinosus
Origin: Ischial tuberosity
Insertion: proximal anterior medial tibia
Action: Knee flexion & hip extension
Innervation: Sciatic nerve
Hamstrings: Semimembranosus
Origin: Ischial tuberosity
Insertion: Medial tibial condyle
Action: Knee flexion & hip extension
Innervation: Sciatic nerve
Hamstrings: Biceps Femoris
Origin: Ischial tuberosity & lateral lip of linea aspera
Insertion: head of fibula
Action: Knee flexion & hip extension
Innervation: Sciatic nerve
Iliopsoas: Psoas Major
Origin: TPs of L1-L5 & vertebral bodies T12-L5
Insertion: Lesser trochanter of femur
Action: Hip Flexion
Innervation: Lumbar plexus