upper GI pharmacology Flashcards
- Describe the site and mechanism of action and relative efficacy of the major antisecretory agents.
Proton pump inhibitors: Prodrug > diffuses into parietal cells > activated in canaliculi to sulfenamide > then “trapped” to irreversible inactivate H/K ATPase. Only inactivates active pumps.
H2 antagonists: reversible block of H2 receptors Proton pump inhibitors: Prodrug > diffuses into parietal cells > activated in canaliculi to sulfenamide > then “trapped” to irreversible inactivate H/K ATPase. Only inactivates active pumps.
H2 antagonists: reversible block of H2 receptors
List proton pump inhibitors
PPI pharmacokinetcs
Best before meal
PPI uses
Most effective GERD agent, Faster relief than H2 antagonists for peptic ulcer dz, also used in NSAID induced ulcers, prevention of stress gastritis, zollinger-ellison syndrome
PPI adverse effects/ DDIs
chronic use can cause increased fracture risk. Omeprazole inhibits activation of clopidogrel
list H2 antagonists
Ranitidine, cimetidine.
H2 antagonist uses
more rapid onset than PPIs in acute gastritis. Better at block of nocturnal acid secretion. Used in GERD (infrequent), peptic ulcer dz (PPIs are better)
H2 antagonists pharmacokinetics
rapidly absorbed, renal excretion
H2 antagonists adverse effects/DDIs
CNS dysfunction, gynecomastia (with chronic high dose cimetidine), inhbition of CYP450 (cimetidine)
- Explain the rationale for therapy of peptic ulcers.
PPI + antibiotics of H pylori positive. Also avoid NSAIDs and smoking, or chronic PPI use if NSAIDs necessary
H Pylori treatment
first line: PPI BID + Clarithromycin + Amoxicillin (metronidazole) (triple therapy). Alternative/salvage therapy: PPI + Bismuth + Tetracycline + Metronidazole (quadruple therapy). Sequential therapy if resistance is concern: PPI + amoxicilin, followed by PPI + clarithromycin + tinidazole
List cytoprotective agents and actions
sucralfate: binds necrotic tissue forming protective barrier. Misoprostol: prostaglandin analog that acts on epithelial cells to decrease acid secretion and increase mucus-bicarbonate. Limited by side effects (diarrhea, uterine cramping, contraindicated in pregnancy)
- Describe the general properties, primary ingredients, general mechanisms of action, and guidelines for use of antacids.
Rapidly raise pH of stomach to 4. Nonabsorbable and long acting. No adverse effects or DDIs.
list gastric antacids and side effects
Calcium (tums): constipation, hypercalcemia. Aluminum: constipation, CNS toxicity. Magnesium: osmotic diarrhea.
causes of gastroparesis
idiopathic, vagal nerve injury (post surgical), diabetes, med related (opiates, anticholinergics, Ca channel blockers)
Meds for gastroparesis
prokinetic agents and antiemetics
- Describe the site and mechanism of action of major prokinetic agents and list their side effects.
Metoclopramide: dopamine antagonist blocks presynaptic inhibition of Ach release. SE are dystonic reactions, tardive dyskinesias. Tegaserod-Cisapride: 5HT4 receptor agonist causes direct stimulation of Ach release. Cisapride causes life threatening arrhythmias and Tegaserod is linked to strokes, MI.
MOA ondansetron
Block of serotonin (5-HT3) receptors at chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ in CNS), solitary tract nucleus, and on visceral afferents (GI tract).
Prochloroperazine/metoclopramide MOA
dopamine receptor antagonists- anti emetic
Meclizine MOA
antihistamine- anti emetic
diphendyramine MOA
antihistamine- anti emetic