Upper and Lower Extremity Checkoff Specialty Tests Flashcards
Apprehension Test
What does a positive test indicate?
How do you peform this test?
- Patient is seated or supine.
- Shoulder abducted to 90° and elbow flexed to 90°.
- Stabilize shoulder with one hand (blocking linkage) and force arm into external rotation with the other hand.
Positive Test (apprehensive) indicates Glenohumeral Instability
Empty Can Test
What does a positive test indicate?
How do you peform this test?
- Flex patient’s shoulders to 90° while horizontally abducting to 45°.
- Internally rotate both arms so thumbs are pointing down.
- Press down on forearms while patient resists.
Positive test (pain/weakness) indicates Rotator Cuff Pathology (specifically Supraspinatus)
Drop Arm Test
What does a positive test indicate?
How do you peform this test?
- Patient abducts arm to 90°
- Slowly drops arm.
Positive test (arm drop upon tap) indicates full thickness tear of supraspinatus
Painful Arc Test
What does a positive test indicate?
How do you peform this test?
- Patient abducts arm starting at their side toward his head.
Positive Test: Pain is elicited within 60 and 120 degrees of shoulder abduction.
Indicates subacromial impingement and/or rotator cuff injury
Neer Impingement
What does a positive test indicate?
How do you peform this test?
- Stabilize patient’s shoulder.
- With forearm pronated, passively flex shoulder to fully flexed position.
Postive test (pain) indicates **subacromial bursa or rotator cuff impingement**
Cross Arm Test
- Physician passively adducts patient’s arm across their chest
- Rest patient’s hand on their opposite shoulder. (+) Test: Pain in AC joint with end range adduction
Positve test (pain) indicates AC joint pathology
Hawkins Test
What does a positive test indicate?
How do you peform this test?
- Flex shoulder to 90° and flex elbow to 90°
- Passively rotate the humerus into internal rotation.This opposes rotator cuff against coracoacromial ligament and acromion.
Positve test (pain) indicates **rotator cuff or subacromial bursa impingement**
Valgus Stress Test (Elbow)
How do you peform this test?
What does a positive test indicate?
- Arm slightly abducted and externally rotated.
- Forearm supinated and flexed to approx. 30º.
Elbow toward body and forearm goes away
Positive test (pain/laxity/tenderness) indicates Sprained Medial (Ulnar) Collateral Ligament
Varus Stress Test (Elbow)
How do you peform this test?
What does a positive test indicate?
- Arm slightly abducted and internally rotated.
- Elbow flexed to approximately 15º.
Elbow away from body and forearm goes toward
Positive test (pain/laxity/tenderness) indicates Sprained Lateral (Radial) Collateral Ligament
Tinel Test
How do you peform this test?
What does a positive test indicate?
- Tap between olecranon and medial epicondyle in ulnar groove
Positive test (tingling sensation in forearm) indicates Ulnar Nerve Entrapment/Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
Medial Epicondylitis
How do you peform this test?
What does a positive test indicate?
- Place eblow in full extension
- Have patient resist wrist flexion
Positive test (pain/tenderness around medial epicondyle) indicates Golfer’s Elbow/Medial Epicondylitis.
Lateral Epicondylitis
How do you peform this test?
What does a positive test indicate?
- Place eblow in full extension
- Have patient resist wrist extension
Positive test (pain/tenderness around lateral epicondyle) indicates Tennis Elbow/Lateral Epicondylitis.
Tinel Sign
How do you peform this test?
What does a positive test indicate?
- Tap over the transverse carpal ligament/flexor retinaculum
Positive test (pain/tingling sensation in lateral side of hand) indicates Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Phalen’s Sign
How do you peform this test?
What does a positive test indicate?
- Place dorsal aspects of patient’s hands together and force into wrist flexion.
- Hold for 60 seconds.
Positive test (paresthesia in lateral side of hand) indicates Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis
How do you peform this test?
What does a positive test indicate?
Finkelstein Test
- Examiner asks patient to make a fist encompassing their thumb
- Ulnar deviate the wrist.
Positive test (increased pain in lateral wrist) indicates DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis.
Labral Loading
What compartment is this testing?
How do you peform this test?
What does a positive test indicate?
Central Compartment
- Flex the patient’s knee and hip to 90°
- Load into the femur towards the innominate
Positive Test (pain) indicates Labral or Cartilaginous Pathology