Lab 6: Elbow and Hand Clinical Considerations + Random Stuff OSCE Flashcards
With anterior radial head, there is an ease of motion with anterior glide and ____.
With anterior radial head, there is an ease of motion with anterior glide and supination.
With posterior radial head, there is an ease of motion with posterior glide and ____.
With anterior radial head, there is an ease of motion with anterior glide and pronation.
With wrist flexion, there is ease with ____ carpal glide.
With wrist flexion, there is ease with dorsal/posterior carpal glide.
With wrist extension, there is ease with ____ carpal glide.
With wrist extension, there is ease with ventral/anterior carpal glide.
What is Handlebar Palsy?
Ulnar Nerve entrapment in Guyon’s Canal
-irritation can lead to numbness, tingling, weakness, and/or pain in medial side of palm
What is Gamekeeper’s Thumb/Skier’s Thumb?
Tear of Medial Collateral Ligament of the thumb
-pain on medial spect
What is a ganglion cyst?
Fluid filled sac along tendon sheath of joint capusle
- most cmoon on dorsum of wrist
- prominent with wrist flexion
What is a Mallet Finger?
Extensor tendon injury at DIP
What is a Trigger Finger?
Inflammation and narrowing of flexor tendon sheath
What is a Jersey Finger?
Avulsion of flexor digitorum profundus from fingertip
What is Dupuytren’s Contracture?
Abnormal connective tissue thickening in palmar fascia
What are common deformities you see with Rheumatoid Arthritis?
What joints are affected
Boutonniere Deformity: PIP flexion and DIP hyperextension
Swan Neck Deformity: PIP hyperextension and DIP flexion
Wrist, MCP, and PIP Joints
What are common deformities you see with Osteoarthritis?
What joints are affected
Heberden’s Node and Bouchard’s Node
PIP and DIP Joints
What are clubbed fingers associated with?
- Lung Cancer
- Liver Cirrhosis
- Cyantoic Heart Disease
- Bronchiectasis
What is the clinical significance of a scaphoid fracture?
- Most common carpal bone injured
- FOOSH Injury
- Important to treat due to risk of avascular necrosis (bad blood supply in this area)
- Tenderness in anatomical snuffbox