Lecture 10: Hip Complaint Flashcards
What are the main symptoms of hip disease?
What is an early symptom of hip diease?
Difficulty putting on shoes
- Requires external rotation of hip, which is normally first motion to be lost with degenerative disease of the hip
- Followed by loss of abduction and adduction
- Hip flexion is last to be lost
Is lateral hip pain an indicator of hip joint disease?
If it’s not, what is it an indicator of?
No, it is an indicator of Trochanteric Bursitis
-due to direct pressure
Progressive lateral hip pain: Due to direct pressure and weight bearing
What is Mearalgia Paresthetica?
Which nerve causes this?
Tingling and numbness of lateral thigh (l**ocalized area of burning or uncomfortable pain)
- Impingment of Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve
- Not influenced by direct pressure, hip movement, or lower back movemement

What is lumbar radiculopathy?
What nerves are normally invovled?
Lateral hip pain that can radiate down the leg into the foot
Involves L4-L5
What is Trochanteric Bursitis?
Inflammation of bursa (fluid-filled sac near a joint) at greater trochanter
What does anterior hip or groin pain suggest?
Several differentials
- Possible issue with hip joint itself
- Osteoarthritis
- Osteonecrosis
- Ocult Fracture
- Acute Synovitis
- Septic Arthritis
- Inguinal Hernia
- Lower Abdominal Pathology
- Referred pain (rare)
What does posterior hip pain suggest?
- Sacroiliac Joint Disease
- Lumbar Radiculopathy
- Herpes Zoster
Least Common Pain Pattern of Hip
Which part of the hip poses greatest clinical challenge?
Lower Anterior Thigh
- Different diseases and fractures can refer pain to this area
- Requires specfic radiographic procedures to define precise cause for pain
How would you inspect patient to note any hip abnormalities?
- Evaluate patient’s gait
- Evaluate tolerance of squatting
- General ability to move in examination room
What are some sources of referred pain to the hip?
Lumbar Spinal Nerves
Sacroiliac Joint
Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve
Lower Abdominal Vascular Structures
What is the Trendelenburg Gait?
Abnormal gait due to weakness to in gluteus medius muscle and other abductor hip muscles
-If Trendelenburg sign positive, pelvis drops on the side opposite to the stance leg. The muscle weakness is present on the side of the stance leg.
What can asymmetric iliac crests suggest?
- Leg Length Disparity
- Pelvic Fractures
- Scoliosis
- Unilateral Paraspinal Muscle Spasms
What does a Faber test assess for?
What can a positive test indicate?
Assessment of HIp and Sacroiliac Joint
- Hip Disease
- Iliopsoas Spasm
- Sacroiliac Disease
What can a positive Straight Leg Raise Test indicate?
< 30o: Acute spondyloithesis, gluteal abscess, disc protrusion or extrusion, etc
30-70o: Lumbar Disc Herniation at L4-S1 nerve roots
>70o: Tightness of hamstrings, gluteus maximus or hip capsule