Unusual bacteria and other medically important microorganisms Flashcards
what are the aerobic actinomycetales?
nocardia asteroids
myobacterium tb
myobacterium leprae
myobacterium marinum
anaerobic actinomycetales
Nocardia asteroids
transmission- inhalation via dust
produces virulent form of pneumonia
symptoms more severe in immunocompromised
myobacterium tuberculosis
resevoir- humans
transmission- air droplets from person with disease
phagocytized by alveolar macrophages in lungs but unable to kill due to cell wall
protective granulomas formed due to production of cytokines and upregulation of proteins
myobacterium leprae
gentically based obligate intracellular parasite
transmission- coughing, sneezing and prolonged close contact with someone untreated
2 forms- 1. tuberculoid- discrete lesions consisting of well organized granulomas having few bacilli
2. Lepromatous- several nodular or diffuse lesions containing many bacilli in poorly organized granulomas
myobacterium marinum
wound infections found in bodies of fresh or saltwater
skin infections relatively uncommon, usually acquired from contact with fish/aquarium
first signs include a reddish or tan skin with a granuloma
70% due to either A. israelii or gerencseriae
live in small spaces btwn teeth and gums causing infection only when they can multiply freely in anoxic enviroment
formation of painful abscesses in mouth, lungs, breast or GI
Cell wall of mycobacterium and Nocardia
mycolic acid forms a waxy layer which limits nutrient uptake slowing the growth rate
waxy coat retards normal staining
cord factor- glycolipid on the surface, v toxic due to disruption of oxidative phosphorylation
Ziehl Neelsen stain method
- application of carbolfuchsin- primary stain
- application of heat- mordant, needed to get into layers
- application of acid alcohol- decolorizer
- application of methylene blue- counter stain
Mycoplasma ssp
do not have a cell wall
smallest prokaryote
sterols in membrane
mycoplasma pneumoniae
causes lung infections
1/3 of infected get “walking pneumoniae” of “tracheobronchitis”
transmission via air droplets from sick pt
Mycoplasma genitalium
transmission via having sex with someone infected
women- pain, bleed after sex, discharge
men- urethritis, stinging/burning, discharge
part of the body’s bacterial pop, live in balance
passed during sexual contact
obligate intracellular parasite, depends on host for ATP and NAD
complex life cycle with 2 types: 1. elementary body- infectious form 2. reticulate body- replicative form
chlamydia trachomatis
trachoma and sti