UnPrimed (Ciani Scene Level 3) Flashcards
Hello, Sarah.
Well. This is certainly a suprise.
Is it?
What are you doing here?
Looking at paintings. What are you doing here?
You hate museums.
No I don’t.
Okay, I hate them.
I always had to drag you.
You’re right. I remember now. What a drag it was.
I thought I could open your mind. My mistake.
Angry. How are you?
I’m fine, thank you. Especially these last six months.
Seven. You know you could’ve left a note.
You’re right. (Beat) It was seven. How time files-
You should know better than to confide in your sister.
On the contrary, I was hoping she’d tell you. It must twist you all up inside that I’m with a woman.
Yes it does, I worry about you. Now who are you going to castrate?
Why are you here, Russell?
And you used to call me a narcissist.
Someone else, then?
You’re getting warmer. “Warm” of course being relative.
Do I know her?
How do you know it’s a her? Not very open minded of you.
You with a guy?
I resent that. I’m not sure why, but I resent that.
You think I don’t know what you’re up too? You disappoint me.
Disappoint. Well, it’s a start. When I get to devastated let me know.
You were hoping you’d find me so you could parade your new girlfriend in front of me. Really, that’s so beneath you.
You should know. As I recall you were beneath me quite often.
I’m amazed you can recall it was so unmemorable.
Oh, I disagree. Hard to forget making love to a corpse.
If I seemed like a corpse it’s only because I was bored stiff. At least one of us was.
Just like old times.
So what time are you supposed to meet her?
Is it so impossible to believe that I came for the art?
You have a Day-Glo poster of Michael Jordan hanging in your study.
Not anymore. I replaced it. With a Matisse.
You’re kidding.
Not an original, of course. A print.
Which one?
The dying man drifting in the night? It really speaks to me.
Oh yes. The Fall of Icarus.
Bit of Dekooning influence don’t you think?
You know Dekooning?
How do you like it?
Well, if you must know, it’s over. It was just an experiment.
I meant the painting.
Oh. I don’t know. . . it’s a bit . . . raw.
But then I guess there isn’t always a message, is there? Or a note …. or a letter…
Even a ‘go screw yourself’ written on the bathroom mirror would have been something.
Would saying something now make things any better?
It might.
Alright. Go screw yourself. Oh, you’re right, I do feel better.
I’m surprised to know you can feel it all.
You know what I feel? I feel sorry for you. Cause you blew and good thing and you know it. Or you would know it if you had any blood running in your veins.
Sorry. You drank it all.
Do you think we could ever just..
Play nice? Where’s the fun in that?
True. I liked the vampire comeback by the way.
Shhh. Don’t spoil it.
You know it’s too bad City College doesn’t have a course in good taste. Your choice in paintings is atrocious.
So is my choice in women, but somehow I survive.
I would have thought you’d prefer this one, here.
Is that really how you think of me?
Not at all.
(A beat)
I don’t think of you at all.
I don’t believe you.
Well maybe sometimes….in the morning when I wake up and you’re not-
I meant about your not liking this painting. I think you do like it.
…..ohh, yeah, this paintings special to you isn’t it?
All right! Yes! I think it’s brilliant. The way you can see the anger in every brushstroke. The emotions are hanging out there for all to see. It’s honest. Refreshing. I can’t believe we like the same painting.
Actually I lied. I hate it.
I knew it! It’s amazing how opposite we are.
Oh I don’t know. We’re both attracted to women.
I told you, that’s over. Where’s this women you’re meeting by the way?
And I told you you shouldn’t assume it’s a women.
Really! Quick. What’s his name?
How do you know him?
My teacher at City College introduced me to him. You know him too, actually.
I don’t think I know any Paul’s. What’s his last name?
You came for the Klee exhibit?
You see? Maybe anything is possible.
Almost anything.
Things might be different.
We both lied about liking that painting. Nothings changed.
I like it when it all makes sense!
Why? Life doesn’t.
That’s why.
I’m sorry about leaving the way I did. I just couldn’t play the game anymore.
But you play so well.
That’s what scared me. All the dazzling repartee… it was like a shunt veneer, not the real thing. I needed to see underneath the gloss now and then. But all those mind games…
So you decided to go lesbo?
Case in point.
You faked the whole thing.
With a little help from my sister.
You went to a lot of trouble.
Not really. I’m used to faking it with you.
That’s my girl.
I hope you’re not thinking what I think you’re thinking.
You mean about you and me..
and your therapist?
And now that I know you’re not really-
In your dreams
You really think I’d ask you back?
You really think I’d come back?
I wouldn’t give you the satisfaction.
As if you ever satisfied me.
As if you could ever be satisfied!
As if you could ever just be!
I draw the line at modern art. Zen, no way!
You know it wouldn’t work.
It doesn’t work now.
We’d only make eachother miserable.
That’s why it might work. At least we’d know we’re each making the other miserable.
Until I couldn’t take it anymore. Then I’d run away again.
I’d find you again.
That’s crazy.
Doesn’t make sense
You didn’t really come here for the Klee exhibit, did you?
Well. He was my backup. Incase you didn’t show.
You really like his work?
Mm. I like his motives.
Motifs. I don’t know what I’m talking about.
I know. It’s wonderful.
You’re better off. I’m just like this painting you hate so much. No primer, no gloss. Just the raw me.
Oh come on. You’re not that ugly.
Well. I should go.
Yes you probably should. Before I get to rigid.
It was good for me too.
You know, if you like Klee you might want to check out Kandinsky.
There’s an especially good collection at the Guggenheim. Mondays at five is a good time. The crowds street to thin out around then.
Monday’s at five. I’ll keep that in mind.
You are trying, Russell. I appreciate that.