Unit2Topic1 - Reactivity Series Of Metals Flashcards
Equation for metals reacting with air
metal + oxygen -> metal oxide
Equation for metals reacting with water
metal + acid -> metal hydroxide + hydrogen
Equation for metals reacting with steam
metal + steam -> metal oxide + hydrogen
Equation for metals reacting with acids
metal + acid -> salt + hydrogen
K and Na when left in air
Soft, can be cut easily with a knife to give a shiny surface that quickly tarnishes.
Ca, Mg, Al and Zn when left in air
React slowly, forming an oxide layer
Fe and Cu when left in air
Oxide layer is easily rubbed off
K when heated in air
Burns with a lilac flame
Na when heated in air
Burns with bright yellow flame
Apparatus used when heating K and Na in air
deflagrating spoon
Ca when heated in air
Burns with brick red flame
Mg when heated in air
Burns with bright white flame, leaving a white ash
Al when heated in air
Sheets of Al don’t burn easily. Powdered Al burns with white sparks, leaving white solid.
Zn when heated in air
Burns leaving yellow solid which when cooled changes to white.
Fe when heated in air
Sheets of Fe don’t burn easily. Fe wool or Fe filings burn with yellow/orange sparks, forming black solid