Unit Vocabulary Flashcards
to ask
Non so dov’è il Ponte Vecchio
to know (first-person singular of sapere)
sapere definition
sapere means to know facts, information, or a skill
sapere conjugations
sapere means to know facts, information, or a skill
conjugations resembles AVERE!
- io = so
- tu = sai
- lei/lui/Lei = sa
- noi = sappiamo
- voi = sapete
- loro = sanno
preso in prestito
I loaned/borrowed
eg. Ho preso in prestito il maglione = I loaned a sweater
prendere in prestito
to loan or borrow
eg. Ho preso in prestito il maglione = I loaned or borrowed a sweater
to cross (the street)
location terms
1. l’angolo
- il marciapiede
- l’angolo
- corner
- sidewalk
- corner
location verbs
location terms
- il ponte
- la rotonda
- i’incrocio
- bridge
- rotary/traffic circle
- intersection
il semaforo
traffic light
la strada or la via
location terms
1. le strisce (pedonali)
- diritto
- crosswalk
2. straight (direction)
location verbs
to turn (physically, for travel)
GIRARE is to turn
eg. girare a destra = to turn right
girare a sinistra = to turn left
location verbs
to continue (physically, for travel)
PROSEGUIRE is to continue
location terms
1. nearby (adjective and adverb)
- toward (preposition)
- QUI VICINO is nearby (adjective and adverb)
2. VERSO is toward (preposition)
North, East, South, West
- NORD is north
- EST is east
- SUD is south
- OVEST is west
location terms
across from
di fronte “a/a prepositional contraction”
location terms
fino “a/a prepositional contraction”
location terms
far from
lontano “da/da prepositional contraction”
location terms
close to
vicino “a/a prepositional contraction”
can mean both
- country
- small town/village
use context to determine the right meaning!
location terms
Dove si trova ___?
Where is ___?
costruire definition and present-tense conjugation
costruire means to BUILD
- building COSTs money!
- conjugate with -isc-
to give (someone) a ride
dare un passaggio
to get one’s bearings (verb)
ORIENTARSI is a REFLEXIVE verb that means to get one’s bearings
to get lost
- to climb the stairs
2. to go down the stairs
- SALIRE le scale is to climb the stairs
2. SCENDERE le scale is to deSCEND the stairs
le scale
the stairs
- l’operatore ecologica
2. il/la poliziotto/a
- street cleaner/garbage collector
- they’re he operators of ecology
- police officer
il pedone
- il/la sindaco/a
2. il vigile del fuoco
- mayor
2. firefighter
- the shopping center/mall
2. downtown
- il centro commerciale
- in centro
* the commercial center in downtown!
- church
2. kiosk/newstand
- church is LA CHIESA
2. kiosk/newsstand is IL CHIOSCO
- il locale (notturno)
2. la fontana
- the nightclub
2. the fountain
- il negozio
2. la statua
- the store
2. the statue
- la panchina
2. la piscina
- the bench
2. the pool
- la banca
- la banconota
- lo sportello automatico
- the bank
- the banknote/bill
- il conto bancario/corrente/di risparmio
2. la moneta
- bank/checking/savings account
2. coin/change
chiedere un prestito
to ask for a loan
fare delle commissioni
to run errands
to sign
to pay
to pay
- con assegno
- con carta di credito
- in contanti
- by check
- with credit card
- in cash
- prelevare dei soldi
2. versare di soldi
- prelevare = to WITHDRAW money
2. versare = to DEPOSIT money
riempire un modulo
to fill out a form