2024 03 18
Define Demand.
the amount of goods and services a consumer is willing/able to purchase at various prices at different time periods of the market.
Define Supply.
the amount of goods and services that sellers will be willing and able to offer at various prices at different time periods of the market.
What is the difference between Macro and Micro economics?
Microeconomics is the study of economic behavior and how price of goods and services are determined, While Macroeconomics is the study of Economy as a whole and Economy-wide issues, such as unemployment and inflation. (microeconomics deals with smaller things than macroeconomics)
Name the 4 Resources
What does the resource Land mean?
-raw materials
-urban sprawl
-population increasing, need more for housing.
What does the resource Labor mean?
-applying the physical and mental talents of humans to production of goods and services.
-boomers will start retiring
What does the resource Capital mean?
-Things that make the production and distribution of goods and services easier. (machinery, equipment, robotics)
What does the resource Technology mean?
-Technology is allowing us to produce more with our limited resources.
Name the 5 Non-Price Determinants
-Taste and Preferences
-Expectations (of future prices)
-Prices of Related Goods