Unit test (3) - vocabulary Flashcards
To know that something is present or that something is happening (adj.)
There has been a growing trend towards green living as people are becoming more _____ of the environment.

Does not work well; not effective (adj.)
Many of the things we do to protect the environment are actually ______ or even counterproductive.

A piece of electrical equipment with a particular purpose in the home (noun)
We may assume turning off _____ that are not in use will reduce electricity consumption.

to be the first person who uses a new word or phrase (verb)
Green experts have _____ a term for this: vampire power.
a way of doing something (noun)
We have all heard people debating the environmental pros and cons of different ____ of transport.
Pros and cons
the advantages and disadvantages of something (noun)
We have all heard people debating the environmental _____ of different means of transport.

very shocking and surprising (adj)
Food production contributes to a staggering 83%

to say that you admire someone or something, or that they are very good (verb)
Most people consider themselves friends of the planet, and that’s to be ____.