Unit Roots and Cointegration Flashcards
What is a unit root?
A unit root in a time series means the series is non-stationary, it implies that shocks have a permanent effect
Stationarity tests
- Dickey-Fuller
- Augmented Dickey-Fuller
- Phillips-Perron
- KPSS Test
- Null Hypothesis H0: The series has a unit root (p=1)
- Reject H0 if δ (p-1) significantly less than zero
Augmented Dickey-Fuller
- Extends the DF test to include lagged differences to account for autocorrelation
Addresses limitations of ADF, particularly when error terms are heteroscedastic.
* adjusts the test statistic and its standard error using the Newey-West estimator
Reverse of DF and ADF. Tests for stationarity
* H0: The series is stationary
* H1: The series is non-stationary
What to do if a series has a unit root?
- Differencing: Apply the difference operator ΔXt = Xt - Xt-1 to make the series stationary
- Use models like ARIMA which explicitly handle differencing
When two or more non-stationary time series are linked by a long-term equilibrium relationship.
Testing for cointegration
- Engle-Granger Two-Step Method
- Johansen Test
Engle-Granger Two-Step Method
- Regress Yt on Xt to estimate β
- Test the residuals Zt = Yt - βXt for stationarity using ADF
Johansen Test
A multivariate test for cointegration
* uses the eigenvalues of a matrix to determine the number of cointegrating relationships