ARMA Models Flashcards
AR model
Expresses the current value of a time series as a linear combination of its past values and a random error term.
For an AR model of order p (AR(p)):
* Xt = ϕ1Xt-1 + ϕ2Xt-2 + … + ϕpXt-p + ϵt
Explanation of MA model
Relates the current value of a time series to past forecast errors (residuals)
For an MA model of order q (MA(q)):
* Xt = μ + θ1ϵt-1 + θ2ϵt-2 + θqϵt-q + ϵt
Combines AR(p) and MA(q) components
* Xt = ϕ1Xt-1 + ϕ2Xt-2 + … + ϕpXt-p + θ1ϵt-1 + θ2ϵt-2 + … + θqϵt-q + ϵt
Behaviour based on ϕ1
- ϕ1 = 0: no relationship; purely random process
- |ϕ1| < 1: stationary process; shocks decay over time
- ϕ1 = 1: non-stationary process (random walk)
- |ϕ1| > 1: Explosive process; values grow without bound
Behaviour based on θ1
- θ1 = 0: no memory of past errors
- θ1 != 0: memory of past errors influences the current value
AR Stationarity Conditions
the roots of the characteristic equation lie outside the unit circle
* |ϕ1| < 1
Patterns for model identification
- AR(p) Process: PACF cuts off after lag p, ACF decays gradually
- MA(q) Process: ACF cuts off after lag q, PACF decays gradually
- ARMA(p,q) Process: ACF and PACF both decay gradually
MA Stationarity Conditions
Always stationarity because it depends on a finite number of past errors
Box-Ljung Test
Tests if residual autocorrelations are statistically significant
* Null Hypothesis H0: Residuals are uncorrelated (white noise)
Box-Jenkins Approach
- Model identification
- Parameter estimation
- Model diagnostics
- Forecasting
Akaike Information Criterion (AIC)
Measures the relative quality of a statistical model for a given dataset by penalizing poor model fit ( -2ln(L) ) and number of parameters ( 2k )
* AIC = -2ln(L) + 2k
* Lower AIC is better
* Useful when comparing models with the same data but different numbers of parameters
Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC)
Similar to AIC but includes a stronger penalty for model complexity (parameters)
* BIC = -2ln(L) + kln(n)