Tutorial 1 Flashcards
What are the implications of strict exogeneity for the relationship between explanatory variables and the error term in a time-series regression?
- mean independent of the error term in all time periods i.e. uncorrelated
What assumption is needed to derive the OLS estimator and why?
- no perfect multicollinearity
- OLS estimation involves inverting the X’X matrix, if there is perfect multicollineartiy then it is singular (non-invertible)
Conditions for Unbiased OLS Estimator
- linearity
- strict exogeneity
- no perfect multicollinearity
- random sampling
What is the finite sampling distribution of an estimator?
the probability distribution of the estimator’s values across different random samples drawn from the same population
Why is the sampling distribution of interest?
- allows us to draw statistical inference (conduct hypothesis tests about the unknown population parameter)
What assumptions are needed about error terms to derive the finite sampling distribution?
- error terms are normally distributed with mean zero and constant variance
Consequence of weak exogeneity
- the OLS estimator is no longer unbiased as unbiasedness requires holding for all possible realisations of X, not just conditional on a specific X
What is meant by consistency and large sample (asymptotic) sampling distribution?
- consistency ensures that the estimator converges to the true parameter as the sample size increases. Similar to unbiasedness in finite samples.
- asymptotic sampling distribution of an estimator is the probability distribution it approaches as the sample size goes to infinity, serving as an approximation of the true sampling distribution.
Assumptions for consistency and normal asymptotic sampling distribution?
for consistency:
- linearity
- weak exogeneity
- no perfect multicollinearity
in addition, for asymptotic normality:
- homoscedasticity
- no autocorrelation
What is residual autocorrelation?
- the error terms are correlated
Test for residual autocorrelation?
- durbin-watson test
- breusch-godfrey test
How might you deal with residual autocorrelation?
- if the error terms are serially correlated, we can still apply OLS (still unbiased) but need to use newey-west standard errors as they are robust to heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation
What is heteroscedasticity?
- the variance of the error term is not constant, conditional on X
What are the consequences of heteroscedasticity?
- OLS estimator remains unbiased but is no longer efficient (BLUE)
- Standard errors are biased, standard inference is invalid
- To resolve this, apply robust standard errors
Heteroscedasticity tests
- breusch-pagan test
- white test