Time-Series Concepts/Linear Regression Flashcards
Stochastic Process
- a sequence of random variables indexed by time
- e.g. Xt = 3t + ϵt
Deterministic Process
- no randomness
- e.g. Xt = 3t
Weak Stationarity
- The mean is constant: E[Xt] = μ
- The variance is constant: Var(Xt) = σ2
- The covariance between Xt and Xt+h depends only on h, not t
How related a time series value, Xt, is to its past values, Xt-k
Partial Autocorrelation
Isolates the direct relationship between Xt and Xt-k, removing the influence of intermediate lags
White noise process
a sequence of uncorrelated random variables with:
* mean E[ϵt] = 0
* constant variance Var(ϵt) = σ2
* no autocorrelation Cov(ϵt, ϵt-k) = 0 ∀ k
!= 0
If residuals of a model are white noise ….
the model fits well
What does OLS do?
- OLS estimates parameters by minimising the sum of squared residuals
- residual: Yt - (β0 + β1Xt)
Key properties of OLS
- Unbiasedness: On average, OLS estimates are correct if assumptions are met
- Efficiency: OLS has the smallest variance among unbiased estimators (Gauss-Markov Theorem)
Gauss-Markov Assumptions
- Linearity
- Exogeneity
- Homoscedasticity
- No Autocorrelation of errors
- No perfect multicollinearity
The relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variable must be linear
The independent variables must not be correlated with the error term
Constant Variance of Errors
The variance of the error term must be constant across all levels of Xt
* Var(ϵt) = σ2 (constant for all t)
No autocorrelation of errors
The errors should not be correlated with each other
* Cov(ϵt, ϵt-k) = 0 for any lag k
Why is homoscedasticity important?
If the variance of errors changes with Xt, OLS estimates will still be unbiased but standard errors will be incorrect leading to invalid statistical inferences
No perfect multicollinearity
The independent variables must not be perfectly correlated i.e. it cannot be expressed as an exact linear combination of others
Errors are normally distributed
The error term should follow a normal distribution
* ϵt ∼ N(0, σ2)
Stricty exogenous regressors
Xt must not be influenced by past, present or future values of Yt or ϵt
* If this holds, OLS produces unbiased and efficient estimates
Weakly exogenous regressors
Xt can be influenced by past values of Yt, but not future errors
* in this case, OLS still works but inference may require largers samples (asymptotic properties)
Tests the significance of individual coefficients
* Null hypothesis H0: β1 = 0 (no relationship)
* Alternative Hypothesis H1: β1 != 0 (relationship)
Tests if multiple coefficients are jointly zero
* Null Hypothesis H0: All tested coefficients are zero
* Alternative Hypothesis H1: At least one coefficient is not zero