Unit III Core Vocabulary Flashcards
stō, -āre, stetī, statum
to stand, stand still, remain standing, be upright, be erect
hostis, -is, m./f.
a stranger, foreigner; an enemy, foe, public enemy
no, not, that not, lest, so that not
dōnum, -ī, n.
a gift, present
in the distance, at a distance, away, apart, far, afar off, from afar
crēdō, -ere, -didī, -ditum
to commit, consign, intrust; to confide in, have confidence in; to believe, give credence, trust
nōtus, -a, -um
known, well known
cīvis, -is, f.
a citizen
quisquis, quaeque, quodquod or quidquid, n.
whoever, whosoever, whatever, whatsoever, every one who, each, every, all
timeō, -ēre, -uī
to fear, be afraid, be fearful, be apprehensive, be afraid of, dread, apprehend
putō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to believe, think, suppose; to clean, cleanse, trim, prune
error, -ōris, m.
a wandering, straying; a going astray, error, mistake
ibī or ibi
in that place, there; on the spot, then, thereupon
careō, -ēre, -uī, -itum
to be without, be free from, be destitute of, lack
ferus, -ī, m.
a wild animal, wild beast
nātus (gnātus), -ī, m.
a son
fugiō, -ere, fūgī, fugitum
to flee, fly, take flight, run away, make off
līmen, -inis, n.
a threshold, cross-piece, sill
pēs, pedis, m.
a foot
puer, -erī, m.
a male child, boy, lad, young man
sacer, -cra, -crum
dedicated, consecrated, devoted, sacred
in truth, in fact, certainly, truly, to be sure, surely, assuredly
tegō, -ere, tēxī, tēctum
to cover, cover over
notwithstanding, nevertheless, for all that, however, yet, still
lo! see! behold! there! look!
orbis, -is, m.
a ring, circle, re-entering way, circular path, hoop, orbit
parvus, -a, -um
little, small, petty, puny, inconsiderable
but, on the other hand, on the contrary, however
sacerdōs, -ōtis, f.
a priest, priestess
mereō, -ēre, -uī, -itum
to deserve, merit, be entitled to, be worthy of
cēterus, -a, -um
the other, remainder, rest
duo, -ae, -o
scelus, -eris, n.
a wicked deed, heinous act, crime, sin, enormity, wickedness
gaudeō, -ēre, gāvīsus sum
to rejoice, be glad, be joyful, take pleasure, be pleased, delight
uterque, utraque, utrumque
each, either, each one, one and the other, one as well as the other, both (of two regarded severally)
fīō, fierī, factus sum
to happen, be done; become
ūltimus, -a, -um
farthest, most distant, most remote, uttermost, extreme, last
lingua, -ae, f.
the tongue, utterance, speech, language
intendō, -ere, -dī, -tum
to stretch out, reach forth, extend
at any time, ever
then, at that time, just then, on that occasion
puella, -ae, f.
a female child, girl, maiden, lass
suus, -a, -um
of oneself, belonging to oneself, his own, her own, his, her, its, their
comes, -itis, m./f.
a companion, associate, comrade, partaker, sharer, partner
quaerō, -ere, -sīvī, -sītum
to seek, look for
capiō, -ere, cēpī, captum
to take in hand, take hold of, lay hold of, take, seize, grasp
lūx, lūcis, f.
light, brightness
mora, -ae, f.
a delay, procrastination
somnus, -ī, m.
tempus, -oris, n.
a portion of time, time, period, season, interval
fūnus, -eris, n.
a funeral procession, funeral rites, burial, funeral; death, violent death
moror, -ārī, -ātus
to delay, tarry, stay, wait, remain, linger, loiter
satis or sat, n.
enough, sufficient, satisfactory, ample, adequate
incipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptum
to take hold, take in hand, begin
nihil or nil, n.
mūtō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to move, move away, remove, change
dēfendō, -ere, -dī, -sum
to ward off, repel, avert, keep off
exspectō or expectō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to look out for, await, wait for
fleō, -ēre, flēvī, flētum
to weep, cry, shed tears, lament, wail
vānus, -a, -um
containing nothing, empty, void, vacant
grātus, -a, -um
beloved, dear, acceptable, pleasing, agreeable
redeō, -īre, -iī, -itum
to go back, turn back, return, turn around
why? wherefore? for what reason?
as much as, so much as; how much, how far
and thenceforward, and thereafter, at last, at length, finally, lastly, only, not until
aciēs, -ēī, f.
sharp edge, point, cutting part; the front of an army, line of battle
vīta, -ae, f.
addō, -ere, -didī, -ditum
to put to, place upon, lay on, join, attach
from all parts, from every quarter, on all sides, all around, on every part, everywhere
faciēs, -ēī, f.
appearance, form, figure, shape, build
imāgō, -inis, f.
an imitation, copy, image, representation, likeness, statue, bust, picture
laus, laudis, f.
praise, commendation, glory, fame, renown, esteem
quantus, -a, -um
of what size, how much, how great; as (correl. with tantus)
dēserō, -ere, -ruī, -rtum
to leave, forsake, abandon, desert, give up
respiciō, -ere, -spēxī, -spectum
to look back, look behind, look about, see behind, look back upon, gaze at, look for
cinis, -eris, m.
nefās, n.
something contrary to divine law, an impious deed, sin, crime
pāreō, -ēre, -uī
to appear; to obey, be obedient, submit, comply
supersum, -esse, -fuī
to be over and above, be left, remain, survive
recēdō, -ere, -cessī, -cessum
to go back, fall back, give ground, retire, withdraw, recede
offerō, -ferre, obtulī, oblātum
to bring before, present, offer, show, exhibit
absum, abesse, āfuī
to be away from, be absent
aetās, -ātis, f.
the life of man, age, lifetime, years
sūmō, -ere, sūmpsī, sūmptum
to take, take up, take in hand, lay hold of, assume
soleō, -ēre, -uī, -itum
to be used, be wont, be accustomed
commūnis, -e
common, general, universal, public
pariō, -ere, peperī, partum
to bring forth, bear, give birth, drop, lay, spawn, produce
socius, -a, -um
sharing, joining in, partaking, united, associated, kindred, allied, fellow, common
praeceptum, -ī, n.
a maxim, rule, precept, order, direction, command, injunction
sooner, first, previously
you may know, you may be sure, it is certain; of course, plainly, naturally, obviously, certainly
vīctōria, -ae, f.
contineō, -ēre, -tinuī, -tentum
to hold together, bound, limit, comprise, enclose, surround
laudō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum
to praise, laud, commend, honor, extol, eulogize, approve
cōnfiteor, -ērī, -fessus
to acknowledge, confess, own, avow, concede, allow, grant