UNIT II VOCAB Flashcards
the struggle to power (government)
the main means of mass communication
Political Party
Organized groups of people with common values and goals who compete to get candidates elected and to form government
a form of decision making or government system in which one person holds all power
Representative Democracy
A democracy in which citizens periodically elect others to represent them in government
A town or district that has a local government
when the party in power has more than ½ of the seats, it is a majority government
A written proposal for a law that is presented to a legislature or a parliament for approval
Leader of a provincial government
Proportional Representation
An electoral system in which the number of seats each political party receives is proportional to the number of votes they gained
Political actions taken by ordinary people and organizations at the local level
a direct yes-no vote on a particular issue, policy or law
Chief Electoral Officer
The head of Elections Canada, an independent, non-partisan agency that administers an electoral event
Criminal Code of Canada
Sets out laws protecting society from criminal action, give federal government responsibility to bring offenders to trial and explains punishment
The person, or party, who sues in a civil case
Summary Offence
a minor criminal offence
Front for the Liberation of Quebec; terrorist group in Quebec who killed and kidnapped cabinet members, wanted separation of Quebec
Restorative Justice
Pressure Group
a group of citizens who act together to influence government policy
Direct Government
citizens debate and vote on laws that affect them
Royal Assent
Approval by the monarch or the monarch’s representative that turns a bill passed by a legislature into a law
A group decision reached through discussion to which all group members agree
When the party in power has less than ½ of the seats, it’s a minority government
The head of a municipal government in a town or a city
Prime Minister
The head of the elected government
(First Past The Post), party with most elected candidates take power to government
a decision or position on an issue taken by a group
Changes made to improve something
Members of the political parties that are participating in a ballot that go to voting places to witness that his/her party has been treated fairly be the elections
Criminal Law of Canada
Group of laws that deals with acts or offences against soceity
the person charged in a criminal case or being sued in civil case
(Youth Criminal Justice Act); outlines consequences for lawbreakers between ages 12-17
When workers refused to work
Sentencing Circle
A custom in aboriginal justice in which the offender comes before a circle of the victim and the community take responsibility for harm the offender caused. Through consensus, circle decides on a punishment
House of Commons
Building in Ottawa where elected members of Canada’s federal government meet to discuss and pass law, sometimes called the Lower House
To help parties involved in a conflict negotiate a mutual agreeable solution. The mediator must be a third party that is not involved in the dispute
To decide or settle a dispute
Right (Conservative); Manages income, traditional, family, military
Center (Liberal); Concerned with equality and rights, moderate and flexible
Left (NDP); socially concern, not bound by tradition, dislikes status quo
Based on the principal of equality among all people, especially political, economic and social life
The legislative branch of federal governments that is composed of senators, who are appointed by PMs, sometimes called the Upper House
An alliance between two parties
Speaker of the House
An elected representative who is selected to act as a referee to enforce the rules of parliament conduct and debate
(Members of Legislative Assembly), decide for their assigned province
A person who will be affected by a decision
A plan of action in order to achieve a goal made by political parties
a formal written statement that outlines a political party’s policy
Poll Clerk
Counts votes and makes sure that election was done properly, identifies people at the door
Civil Law
protects private rights; concerned with disputes between individuals regarding property, personal relationships, contracts and ownership
Documents that states the reasons why you’re suing and damages you’re seeking
Habeus Corpua
The right to know why you’re being arrested
When a company refuses to allow workers to work
Healing Circle
A traditional approach in Aboriginal justice in which the offender admit guilt to the victim and tries to reconcile with the victim and the community
A group of people who provide services, leadership and protection
Another name for the legislative branch, who has the power to make laws
the body of voters represented by an elected legislator or official
A form of decision reached through discussion to which all group members agree
Constitution (& parts)
BNA Act of 1867 (sets out parts, power and function of the 3 branches), Charter (states the rights and responsibilities of Canadian citizens) and the Amending formula (if changes are to be made, 7/10 provinces must agree and those 7 provinces’ population must equal ½ of Canada’s population)
Private Meetings called by each Party
Elected MPs that are selected by the PM to oversee a government department
Official Opposition
The party with the second largest number of seats in the legislative body
(Member of Parliament), the elected representatives of the people who sit in the federal house of commons
A formal request signed by members of the public and presented to the legislators or other authoritarians in support of persons or ideas
A law that has been written and passed by a legislature
Changes made to an existing or to a bill in process of being made into a law
to be given extra protection by being part of the constitution
The lawyer representing the state in a criminal case, refers to head of state; Queen
Indictable Offence
a serious or severe offence against the Criminal Code of Canada, contrast; summary offence
Labour Relations Act
an organization made up of workers that want to improve working conditions and wages
A suspended prison sentence that allows offenders to live in their community, supervised by a probation officer. Person on probation must abide by certain conditions
To try to reach agreement through talking
Membership in a political community, such as a country, includes rights, duties and responsibilities