Unit II Flashcards
most common site is mandibular mucosa, cheek, lip, tongue. Elevated or flat white lesion often from trauma. 71% of all white lesions of the oral mucosa twice more common in men.
Benign hyperkaratosis
clinical definition: white, opaque, leathery lesions appearing not clinically identifiable from other white lesions
leukoplakia with dyskeratosis. Usually elevated or flat, possibly fissured some with ulceration or areas of erythema. WOULDNT KNOW IT WAS THIS UNLESS IT WAS BIOPSY & CELLS CAME BACK AS ABNORMAL
Dysplastic leukoplakia
Thin, white keratotic film over the lower lip, pinpoint red erosive areas predisposes to cancer of the lip. DAMAGE BECAUSE OF SUN RELATED ISSUES> UVB RAYS,
Solar cheilitis
congenital keratosis, familial white folded gingivostomatitis. Usually bilateral does not hurt. White Thickened soft spongy always involving cheek mucosa harmless lesion.
White sponge Nevus
cheek bite
Morsicatio Buccarum
can be reticular or erosive. Primarily a skin lesion. Raised white lines and dots. (WICKAMS STRIA= white lines mst times flat.) Cause is unknown can happen anywhere WRISTS ANKLES, GENITALS, & ORAL. Exerbatted by stress. Comes & goes as it pleases
Lichen Planus
Which kind of lichen planus is the most common in the mouth?
What form of Lichen Planus is painful & troublesome?
irritants caused by heat nicotine or cold nicotine. red mucosa turning to white mucosa, papules with central red dots corresponding to the inflamed mucous gland ducts.
Nicotine stomatitis
non inflammatory red velvety texture. usually found on the floor of the mouth or soft palate no surface keatin
what percentage of erythroplakias show malignant changes upon biopsy
in children 1-3 yrs manifests itself as gingivostomatitis. Vesicles rupture and produce painful ulcers. ETIOLOGY IS: HSV.
Primary herpes simplex infection
herpres zoster (Shingles)
cytomegaly virus
CMV a salivary gland disease, kaposis’s sarcoma
epstein bar virus
infectious mononucleosis bukett’s
reactivation from a primary infection. Reactivation agents may include flu, emotional upset, tissue manipulation, fever. lasts about 10-14 days. on lip, palate
Recurrent herpes lesion
vesicle, ulcer, rash is often preceded by pain of several days. Most limited to the 5th nerve distribution. Etiology is the HSV. Effects 20% of adults.
Herpes zoster
what are some oral complications of herpes zoster
bacterial super infection, therapeutic arthralgia, odontalgia, & alveolar bone necrosis
on salivary gland bearing area, red nodule of plaque that ulcerates increased in sizee, 1-2 weeks to heal can leave a scar Unknown etiology. ALWAYS UNBOUND TISSUES WET SIDE ONLY NON MASTICATORY TISSUES NON CONTAGIOUS
Apthous ulcer
apthous ulcer that has moved to your hands around fingernail?
Heretic whitlow
mycobaterium ———— Most often in underdeveloped countries. BOVINE type- most often in the past and in developing countries.
Syphilis is caused by what
spirochetete- treponema pallidum
STD primarily lesion chancre, oral lesion is a swelling which breaks down and forms and ulcer and regional lymphadentis which resolves in 2-3 weeks
describe the secondary lesion for syphilis
weeks to months, flu like sympotoms mucous patch highly infectious
describe the third stage of syphilis
tertiary stage 1-20 years gumma, chronic inflammation white patches, gossitis congenital syphilis.
What oral effects does syphilis have? (placental passage)
notched incisors, tooth and malfomation, and saddle nose etc
most common fungal infection in oral cavity
Oral candidiasis (YEAST)
pseudomembranous pertaining to oral candidiasis
thrush, smooth creamy, white or yellow, most common not coating could wipe off.
erythematous (atrophic) pertaining to oral candidiasis
red patches. white off yeast and its red underneath.
Hyperplastic (pertaining to oral candidiasis)
cant be wiped off. RARE discolored because of staining.
red fissues radiating from corners of the mouth, often covered by psuedomembrane, Vit B or Iron deficiency can cause
angular cheilitis ( Perleche)
what can decrease the host defense and give oral candidiasis
drug therapies, antibiotics, suppress oral flora glucocorticosteroids, HIGH CORRELATION WITH HIV PEPS.