Unit II Flashcards
most common site is mandibular mucosa, cheek, lip, tongue. Elevated or flat white lesion often from trauma. 71% of all white lesions of the oral mucosa twice more common in men.
Benign hyperkaratosis
clinical definition: white, opaque, leathery lesions appearing not clinically identifiable from other white lesions
leukoplakia with dyskeratosis. Usually elevated or flat, possibly fissured some with ulceration or areas of erythema. WOULDNT KNOW IT WAS THIS UNLESS IT WAS BIOPSY & CELLS CAME BACK AS ABNORMAL
Dysplastic leukoplakia
Thin, white keratotic film over the lower lip, pinpoint red erosive areas predisposes to cancer of the lip. DAMAGE BECAUSE OF SUN RELATED ISSUES> UVB RAYS,
Solar cheilitis
congenital keratosis, familial white folded gingivostomatitis. Usually bilateral does not hurt. White Thickened soft spongy always involving cheek mucosa harmless lesion.
White sponge Nevus
cheek bite
Morsicatio Buccarum
can be reticular or erosive. Primarily a skin lesion. Raised white lines and dots. (WICKAMS STRIA= white lines mst times flat.) Cause is unknown can happen anywhere WRISTS ANKLES, GENITALS, & ORAL. Exerbatted by stress. Comes & goes as it pleases
Lichen Planus
Which kind of lichen planus is the most common in the mouth?
What form of Lichen Planus is painful & troublesome?
irritants caused by heat nicotine or cold nicotine. red mucosa turning to white mucosa, papules with central red dots corresponding to the inflamed mucous gland ducts.
Nicotine stomatitis
non inflammatory red velvety texture. usually found on the floor of the mouth or soft palate no surface keatin
what percentage of erythroplakias show malignant changes upon biopsy
in children 1-3 yrs manifests itself as gingivostomatitis. Vesicles rupture and produce painful ulcers. ETIOLOGY IS: HSV.
Primary herpes simplex infection
herpres zoster (Shingles)
cytomegaly virus
CMV a salivary gland disease, kaposis’s sarcoma
epstein bar virus
infectious mononucleosis bukett’s
reactivation from a primary infection. Reactivation agents may include flu, emotional upset, tissue manipulation, fever. lasts about 10-14 days. on lip, palate
Recurrent herpes lesion
vesicle, ulcer, rash is often preceded by pain of several days. Most limited to the 5th nerve distribution. Etiology is the HSV. Effects 20% of adults.
Herpes zoster
what are some oral complications of herpes zoster
bacterial super infection, therapeutic arthralgia, odontalgia, & alveolar bone necrosis
on salivary gland bearing area, red nodule of plaque that ulcerates increased in sizee, 1-2 weeks to heal can leave a scar Unknown etiology. ALWAYS UNBOUND TISSUES WET SIDE ONLY NON MASTICATORY TISSUES NON CONTAGIOUS
Apthous ulcer
apthous ulcer that has moved to your hands around fingernail?
Heretic whitlow
mycobaterium ———— Most often in underdeveloped countries. BOVINE type- most often in the past and in developing countries.
Syphilis is caused by what
spirochetete- treponema pallidum
STD primarily lesion chancre, oral lesion is a swelling which breaks down and forms and ulcer and regional lymphadentis which resolves in 2-3 weeks
describe the secondary lesion for syphilis
weeks to months, flu like sympotoms mucous patch highly infectious
describe the third stage of syphilis
tertiary stage 1-20 years gumma, chronic inflammation white patches, gossitis congenital syphilis.
What oral effects does syphilis have? (placental passage)
notched incisors, tooth and malfomation, and saddle nose etc
most common fungal infection in oral cavity
Oral candidiasis (YEAST)
pseudomembranous pertaining to oral candidiasis
thrush, smooth creamy, white or yellow, most common not coating could wipe off.
erythematous (atrophic) pertaining to oral candidiasis
red patches. white off yeast and its red underneath.
Hyperplastic (pertaining to oral candidiasis)
cant be wiped off. RARE discolored because of staining.
red fissues radiating from corners of the mouth, often covered by psuedomembrane, Vit B or Iron deficiency can cause
angular cheilitis ( Perleche)
what can decrease the host defense and give oral candidiasis
drug therapies, antibiotics, suppress oral flora glucocorticosteroids, HIGH CORRELATION WITH HIV PEPS.
What are the most prevalent species in oral candiasis
candida albicans and glabrata tropicalis
Caused HPV 6 & 11 cause warts
ORal Verruca Vulgaris
Ectopic sebaceous gland, found in the lamina propria of Oral Mucosa. discreet yellow creamy spots 1-2mm diameter or larger irregular patches. Mostly on buccal mucosa along occlusal plane. MOSTLY AFTER PUBERTY more likely in males. 82% of pop has. considered normal
Fordyce granules
raised, white irregular line on buccal mucosa at level of occlusal plane. thought to be a reaction to bruxism or clenching. NO TX needed
linea alba
bilateral white-gray film on buccal mucosa which will NOT rub off. more often in dark pigmented individuals & older people.
chemicals may cause damage through a systematic ( allergice reaction to drug) reaction or a local reaction (mucosal contact). edema, papular vesicular or bulbous lesion, erythema, itching and varying degrees of pain
Chemical Damage
chemicals causing a local reaction include?
Aspirin, iodine, sodium per borate, hydrogen eroxide, mercury etc
erythema, pain and subsequent white patches and ulcerations trauma to oral mucosa.
Burns and trauma
veins on the ventral suraface of tongue and floor of mouth. may be viably superficial veins appears as blue, variable tortuous in their course
prominint lingual veins. Lingual Vericosities
inherited disease resulting in clusters of capillary with enlarged ends. flat or slightly raised erythematous patches. occur in lips, gingiva and buccal mucosa. LIL ReD DOTS ON LIPS
heredity telangectasia
acute inflammatory disease of the skin and mucous membrane. 10-20 day duration. extensive red lesions which tart as vesicles, proceed through the bullae stage and onto ulcers. Covered with yellow gray membrane.Target shaoed lesions on skin and palms and soles. UNKOWN CAUSE lips and lateral side of tongue. HYPERSENSITIVITY reaction.
ERythema Multiforme
rare skin and mucous membrane disease.5 year mortality rate. Vulgaris form often exhibits oral lesions as first sign… Cause is unknown. decreased adhesion of epithelial lamina propria junction and loss of cell adhesion in the prickle cell layer and vesicle formation within epitherlial
8-10% 5 year mortality rate Pemphigus
rub skin or mucous membrane and vesicles appear
nikolosky test rub
localized, hyperothokeratosis, may develop into cancer Sun Related
Actinic Keratosis- karatin plaque
rare in oral cavity, selected types of include: intradermal, junctional, compound,blue,juvenile,
Pigmented Cellular Nevus
flat,dark brown color, pigment cells in basal layer, most likely to change to melanoma
junctional nevus
slightly elevated often hair in it, rarely proceeds to malignant state chords of pigmented cell in the lamina propria
Intradermal. ( common mole)
combo of intra and junctional potential to turn into melanoma
compound nevus
appears blue from deep in submucosa
blue nevus
found in children, slightly elevated brown to black
juvenile melanoma
most frequent in mid aged women, over production of collagen, autoimmune disease, skin becomes smooth, glossy and fixed to underlying tissue, facial movement becomes limited, icreased pigmentation
chronic form is a skin disease characterized by oral lesions in apporximately 25% of the cases. autoimmune causing damage to small vessel walls. acute form can affet kidney and heart. skin rash with butterfly wing shape over bridge of the nose and the zygoma. ORAL LESIONS ARE WHITE,LINEAR,OVAL WITH EROSIVE AREAS
Lupus erythematosus
caused by HIV transmitted through semen, vaginal fluids, blood or blood products, from infected mother to fetus, INFECTS CDd4+T Lymphocytes.
what percent of people with what disease experience apthous ulcers?
100, AIDS
what percent of people with what disease experience necrotizing ulcerative perio?
what percent of people with what disease experience Intraoral kaposis sarcoma?
what percent of people with what disease experience herpes simplex (long standing)
87 aids
what percent of people with what disease experience hairy leukoplakia
70 aids
what percent of people with what disease experience candidiasis
70 aids
may occur as individual growths or as a cluster of papillomas. Papillomatosis of the palate. fingerlike growths of epithelium outward from the surface of the mucosa. DONT KNOW UNLESS BIOPSY. ROUGH, FIRM, EXOFITIC, PEDUNCULATED BASE. TX IS SURGERY.REOCCURENCE NOT HIGH.
Papilloma (Benign epithelial neoplasm)
overgrowth as a reaction to chronic irritation. smooth surface with same coloar as the surrounding mucosa. relatively firm with palpation, most frequent on tongue and buccal mucosa, slow growth. Treatment is removal, sessile Base, MORE COMMON. FLUCTANT.
Fibroma (benign connective tissue tumors of the soft tissues.
reparative over growths EX: Epulis Fissuratum
connective tissue hyperplasisa and hypertrophy
Epulis fissuratum: over growth of cells or hypertrophy due to trauma. Ex: ill fitting denture
epulis fissuratum
fat cells supported in a connective tissue stroma, soft on palpation, common in floor of mouth and buccal mucosa, may have a faint yellow appearance IDIOPATHIC
overgrowth of neuron elements. occur singly or multi. ( NERVE CELLS)
Neurofibroma ( non connective tissue benign tumors)
excess capillaries on surface of tissue. neoplastic from blood vessel endothelium.
Kinds: portwine and cavernous
type of hemangioma that is present at birth, flat, variable in size, purple to red in color. (flaming nevus of the face)
port wine stain (flaming nevus of the face)
type of hemangioma that is distended endothelial lined spaces filled with blood. blanch on pressure, pulse can be felt in lesions, purple color, soft on palpation, CONTAINS BLOOD. HAVE To SURGICALLY REMOVE. usually from trauma but can be born with
Cavernous hemangioma
keratotic plaque, ulcer with crust, raised lesion with central ulceration and rolled borders, red velvety lesion, on palpation it is hard, fixed to underlying tissue, most common on floor of mouth lateral border and ventral surface of the tongue. most common oral cancer lesion seen on lip in men 60+ yrs. invasion of underlying connective tissue (lamina propria) usually well to medium differentiated.
squamous cell carinoma (epidermoid carcinoma)
where does squamous cell carcinoma metastasis to?
lip to the submental nodes.
lesion characteristics are the same those of carcinoma except that the basement membrane has been breached
Carcinoma in situ
malignant melanoctyes are primary cell type. are in oral cavity, bluish black or grey lesion
midline atrophy of papilla of the tongue. Could be a result from a fungal infection. not a serious lesion
median rhomboid glossitis
congenital defect failure of union of two sides of the tongue
bifid tongue
broad and short lingual frenum
anklyoglossia (tongue tied)
deep grooves in the dorsum of tongue
fissured tongue (scrotal tongue)
ekibgation of filiform papilla on dorsum of the tongue. stains, destruction of normal oral flora with fungus overgrowth and stimulartion of papilla overgrowth. PROLONGED ANTIBIOTICS CAN HELP FORM IT
hairy tongue
red lesions surrounded with grey borders. red areas migrate from place to place on the dorsum of the tongue.
benign migratory glossitis (geographic tongue)
lingal of the tongue. dark lingual veins under tongue
varicose veins
absence or loss of filiform papilla, b vit deficiency or iron.
atrophic glossitis (atrophic without growth)