Unit 8 x 4 Flashcards
Jesus said at The Last Supper
“This cup is the new covenant in my blood” (1 Corinthians 11)
Wedding at Cana Quote
“The master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine.” (John 2:1-11)
St Paul tells Timothy
“Do not drink only water but take a little wine to help your digestion since you are ill so often”
Holy Spirit
“Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, you lives in you and who was given to you by God”
(1 Corinthians 6:19)
Totally forbidden by the Qur’an
Qur’an about being drunk
“Believers, do not approach your prayers when you are drunk, but wait until you can grasp the meaning of your words”
Gambling and wine
“Their harm is far greater than their benefit”
Mohammad about intoxicants
“Intoxicants are the mother of all evils. Alcohol is not a medicine, but a disease”
Qur’an about wine and gambling
“Satan stirs up hatred among you by means of wine and gambling…will you not abstain from them?”
Lose control quote
“Do not get drunk with wine, which will ruin you, but instead be filled with the Holy Spirit” (1 Corinthians 6:19)
Alcohol can make you do things you wouldn’t normally do
“Lots drunkenness resulted in an incestuous relationship with his two daughters” (Genesis 19:30-38)
Bad about alcohol
Causes harm to society, illegal behaviour, vandalism, violence, addiction, debt
Alcohol should not be banned
- Prohibition in the USA: the banning of alcohol led to a huge rise in alcoholism and alcohol related crimes
- Religiously intolerant: Alcohol is part of Christianity, involved in Holy Communion and Mass…restriction unacceptable in a free society
Why are there drug and alcohol laws?
- “Alcohol consumption can have a detrimental effect on young people’s short term educational performance” legal age 18 stops young people drinking
- Penalties deter people (selling class A drugs is life imprisonment)
- Drugs effect mental health (Marijuana can lower iq by 8 points)
- Alcohol is harmful to Health, 33,000 people die each year due to alcohol related causes
a Bill
The proposed law written on a document
How are Laws made in the UK?
Bill introduced, debated in House of Commons (1st reading)
Debated in Parliament (2nd)
After gone through in detail, debated again and vote taken (3rd)
If ✔️ House of Lords debate and vote
If passed - Queen gives it Royal Assent
Qur’an on Justice
“Believers, conduct yourselves with justice and bear true witness before God” (Qur’an 4:135)
Just Society in Islam
Shari’ah Law (The Islam Legal system) is based on the idea of justice and equal treatment for all. Follow Allah’s will. Shari’ah Law used by courts if laws of Allah are broken.
Third Pillar of Islam
Zakah - requires a Muslim to share 2.5% of their surplus income amongst people less fortunate. Simple justice help work towards a more equal society.
Justice and Allah
One of the 99 names of Allah is ‘The Just’ showing Muslims that justice is v important. Treats his creation with justice and fairness and expects them to treat each other in the same way.
Judgement day for Christians
God is Just and expects his creation to treat others in the same way. Treating people unjustly is a sin and on judgement day Christians will be punished if they have not treated others justly.
“God will judge you in the same way as you judge others” (Matthew 7:1-2)
Retribution - Exodus
“…the punishment shall be life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth”
“Bruise for bruise” (Exodus 21:23-5)
Some Christians put their practice into belief
By buying fair trade goods to help tackle the injustice of poverty in LEDCs. The growers and suppliers are guaranteed a fair price for their goods which enables families in LEDCs to improve their standard of living.
Jesus and justice
Jesus taught that non-violent and forgiveness is necessary to achieve justice. Forgiving is better than exacting punishment and retribution.
Lose control quote
“Do not get drunk with wine, which will ruin you, but instead be filled with the Holy Spirit” (1 Corinthians 6:19)
Alcohol can make you do things you wouldn’t normally do
“Lots drunkenness resulted in an incestuous relationship with his two daughters” (Genesis 19:30-38)
Bad about alcohol
Causes harm to society, illegal behaviour, vandalism, violence, addiction, debt
Alcohol should not be banned
- Prohibition in the USA: the banning of alcohol led to a huge rise in alcoholism and alcohol related crimes
- Religiously intolerant: Alcohol is part of Christianity, involved in Holy Communion and Mass…restriction unacceptable in a free society
Why are there drug and alcohol laws?
- “Alcohol consumption can have a detrimental effect on young people’s short term educational performance” legal age 18 stops young people drinking
- Penalties deter people (selling class A drugs is life imprisonment)
- Drugs effect mental health (Marijuana can lower iq by 8 points)
- Alcohol is harmful to Health, 33,000 people die each year due to alcohol related causes
a Bill
The proposed law written on a document
How are Laws made in the UK?
Bill introduced, debated in House of Commons (1st reading)
Debated in Parliament (2nd)
After gone through in detail, debated again and vote taken (3rd)
If ✔️ House of Lords debate and vote
If passed - Queen gives it Royal Assent