Unit 2 x 4 Flashcards
The Equal Pay Act 1970
ensures that men and women are paid equally for doing the same jobs
The Qualification of Women Act 1918
gave women over 31 the right to vote in elections. In 1928 the age was lowered to 21 to be the same as men. Today all people over the age of 18 can vote. UK
The Sex Discrimination Act 1975
made it illegal to discriminate against any person because of their gender.
Why attitudes towards women have changed.
- During 1st/2nd World War, women had to take on jobs previously done by men to prove that they could do them just as well
- Countries such as New Zealand gave women equal rights opening the way for other countries to do the same - 1st country to extend the vote to women
- Successful women in business and politics around the world show that women are equal to men in ability
- The UN Declaration of Human Rights includes equality for all people no matter of race or gender
Genesis 1:27
‘God created humanity in his own image, male and female he created them both.’
Galatians 3:28
‘You are all sons of God through faith’
‘There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ’ - Quakers have no ordained clergy and anyone can lead a service as everyone is equal in every aspect of the church.
Ephesians 5:22
‘Wives submit yourselves to your husband…for the husband is the head of the wife’
1 Corinthians 14:34
‘Women must remain silent in church, they are not allowed to speak.’
Good Samaritan equality
2 important people ignore the dying man. Good Samaritan helps Jewish dying man even though Jews and Samaritans don’t get along. Despite differences, he still helped.
‘Love thy neighbour’
Golden Rule
Treat others how you would like them to treat you - no prejudices/ discriminations ✨ regardless of who they are and what they believe.
Love is the most important thing - unconditional love no matter who they are or hat they believe in. Treat everyone with compassion. (Equality is a fundamental part of Christianity)
Genesis - Eve
• ‘Then God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man’ possession? Man came first and is more important, woman is merely a companion?
Genesis - Women
‘Your desire will be for your husband and he will rule over you’
In St Paul’s First Letter to Timothy
‘I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. ‘ - RCC say women cannot be ordained
10th Commandment
‘You shall not covet your neighbours wife…his ox o donkey, i anything that belongs to your neighbour’ - wife belongs to husband like an animal
Witnesses to resurrection
Women were the first witnesses to Jesus’ resurrection and showed more faith and belief than some men. Resurrection is the fundamental part, most significant moment of Christianity.
RCC do not accept women as priests
The Lord chose men to form his 12 disciples. Ordination of women is not possible
Benefits of a multi- ethnic society
- Lots of ideas from different perspectives and society moves and advances quicker (people will different views)
- Decrease prejudice - if brought up surrounded by different cultures, less surprised, more tolerant.
- Transference of knowledge across cultural borders, greater awareness of global issues
- Food, music, clothes influenced and inspired by other cultures! Exposure to different languages
Problems with a multi- ethnic society
- Conflicting beliefs about different Gods, from different Holy books ➡️ conflict
- Clashes of different ways of living…food laws, clothes laws
- A perception that one culture becomes dominant…inequality between different ethnicities
- Some intolerant people may refuse to accept other ethnicities- discrimination, racism
- Clash between law of country and other ethnicity’s culture
Christians and racism
- ‘Do not ill treat foreigners who are living in your land’ Leviticus
- ‘God created human beings, making them to be like himself’
- Archbishop Desmond Tutu campaigned against the ill-treatment of black people and worked to release Nelson Mandela from prison’
- The Golden Rule
Benefits of a multi-faith society
- a varied and rich cultural life
- better understanding of different cultures and viewpoints - ignorance usually fuels conflict
- a greater tolerance and understanding of other ways of life
- religious festivals about celebration - everyone is able to have fun and it unites community
Interfaith marriages
- a union that helps the two faith communities understand one another
- conflict as families disagree on how to bring up the children and in what religion they will be. Which religious community will they belong to?
What does the government do to promote community cohesion?
- When people from other countries arrive in the UK, the government gives them information about values and how systems work in the country
- offer support with translation and learning the English language for those who don’t speak English
- The government funds local authorities to respond to problems such as immigration and to encourage links between groups from different backgrounds through youth projects, school or places of worship programmes
- legislation on equal rights for ethnic minorities (Laws to protect religious freedom such as Human Rights Act 1998 and Equality Act 2006)
Asylum Seeker Support Initiative - Short Term is a charity that helps destitute asylum seekers in and around Sheffield. They find shelter for those in need and pay small weekly grants for food and basic living expenses. They raise awareness about the problem through events and talks.
Why Christians help people seeking asylum
• Parable of the sheep and the goat - God will judge people on the way they treated each other
Ways in which religions work to promote community cohesion
- Religious harmony - members of different religions listen to each others views, respect each other, share common values such as tolerance, charity
- people of different faiths share their festivals together.
- Faith schools- government promised to support the establishment of more schools of different faiths in order to improve educational standards and understanding among the various communities
Whatever Jesus/ God taught is the only way to find salvation. Christianity is the only way to find God. Christians feel they have the duty to convert everyone.
Evangelical Christians ✔️
Jesus: ‘No one will come to the father except through me’
All religions have partial truth but Christianity is the only religion with the full answer. Respect others but want to show the Christian way of life. Seeking God, not just Jesus will lead to salvation.
All religions are different manifestations of one God/truth. JC didn’t try to convert others. Accept that there are other ways to practice faith.
Quakers ✔️