Unit 2 x 2 Flashcards
Genesis 1:27
“God created humanity in his own image, male and female he created them both.”
6th Commandment
“Thou shall not commit murder”
Psalm 139: 13-16
“When my bones were being formed in my mothers womb…you saw me before I was born”
1 Corinthians 6:19
“Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, you lives in you and who was given to you by God”
“So if anyone destroys Gods temple, God will destroy him”
St Paul - Sanctity of Life
“…whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord”
Explain the Sanctity of Life Principle
- Bible teaches that life is a gift from God and everyone belongs to Him (St Paul quote)
- Humans are created in the imagine of God
- Wrong to kill (10 Commandments)
- Body is the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit
- Christians believe that God made human life holy by becoming human himself. The life and death of Jesus highlights the sacredness of human life
Baptist Union Abortion
• Lesser of two evils
Church of England Abortion
- Generally opposed but rely on Situation Ethics and Agape to make decision (either way is bad)
- Life is holy and belongs to God - don’t believe that life begins at conception but still a potential life
- Lesser of two evils
Church of Scotland Abortion
Generally opposed to abortion except in extreme situations when the child is a product of rape.
Methodist Church Abortion
- Must be legal so it can be controlled as it would happen anyway.
- Potential life
- Abortions are caused by fear so they offer services to help single mothers etc
- Situation Ethics/ Agape
Quakers Abortion
- Life begins later
* Lesser of two evils
RCC Abortion
- Life begins at conception and life is sacred
- God has a plan for every life
- Loophole - Doctrine of Double effect (if abortion isn’t first desire and only an outcome) e.g giving mother a cure but kills foetus.
The process of increasing the dosage of painkillers with the intention of relieving pain but with the side effect of shortening the life of the person.
St Paul - Life after death
“The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable…it is sown in a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body”
RCC Life after death
- Resurrection of body, immortality of the soul
* Heaven for those who haven’t sinned (Luke 23:43 - Jesus told a thief on the cross that he would be in Heaven that day)
Church of England Life after death
- soul goes straight to God for judgement
* difference in opinion about heaven and hell
Evangelical Christians Life after death
- Resurrection until end of the world when judgement happens and the good will go to heaven and sinners to hell.
- Jesus’ body was raised from the dead
Romans 2:5
“God will give to each person according to what he has done…to those who seek glory, honour and immortality, he will give immortal life”
Catechism of RCC life after death
“A new heaven and earth will be made and the resurrected from heaven will life there forever”
Secular arguments life after death
- There ought to be something beyond earthly life to give meaning to life
- An afterlife would enable humans to fulfil their potential
- Some believe there should be a reward or punishment for people according to how they have lived their life on Earth
- Accounts of people’s near death experiences
UK Abortions
Abortion Act 1967 and 1990 Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act:
• Up to 24 weeks- physical/mental risk for mother, mothers family, or baby
• After 24 Weeks - risk of mothers life or evidence that baby will be severely handicapped
Jeremiah 1
“Before i formed you in the womb, I knew you”
Secular not believing in life after death
- When someone dies they just decay
- life after death isn’t really death
- afterlife isn’t desirable
- life is about personal identity. If a person dies and has an afterlife in a different form, they are not the same person who died
UK euthanasia
All methods of euthanasia are crimes and people involved can be sent to prison.
• the Netherlands have made euthanasia legal if agreed to by the patient, patients family, and at least 2 doctors
FOR euthanasia
- pain free death for someone who has been suffering and living in agony for a long time
- Everyone should have autonomy over their own person. It should be their right to end their life if they want
- suicide is legal so if they are in pain with a terminal disease, why not help someone who cannot commit suicide themselves
- it is an action that promotes the best interests of everyone concerned and violates no ones rights (relieves burden on families)
AGAINST euthanasia
- not all illnesses diagnosed as terminal will necessarily end in death. There have been miracles before - people can make unexpected recoveries and medical science is now finding cures as technology advances
- murder
- weakens society’s respect for the sanctity of life - “it’s better to be dead than be disabled”
- might not be in the patients best interest and they could be unable to make a sensible judgement
- slippery slope that leads to the killing of ‘undesirable’ people. Turns from option to kill to duty to kill (how can you prevent the abuse of the system)
RCC Euthanasia
Absolutely against it!
“An act or omission which causes death in order to eliminate suffering constitutes a murder greatly contrary to the dignity of the human person” catechism of RCC
‘Most’ Christians Euthanasia
Against but agree with the right of doctors to switch off the life support machine with the consent of patient’s family because of Sanctity of life.
Salvation Army Euthanasia
“We believe that it’s right to use medical treatment to control pain. We deny the right to legalise the termination of life by a doctor”
The Causes of world poverty
- Wars destroy crops, homes, hospitals, force people to leave homes and become refugees in safer countries (influx of refugees can make another country poor)
- Natural Disasters - earthquakes, floods - destroy many homes and farmlands on which the inhabitants depend. Droughts - no rain fall, crops no grow
- Debt - many LEDCs have to borrow money from banks of developed countries to survive and begin to develop. The banks charge interest and unpaid interest is added to original debt. The amount that poor countries have to pay in interest to rich countries has risen from 7.4 to 10.3 billion
- HIV/AIDS - methods of safe sex and drugs to control the disease used in rich countries are far too expensive. South Africa - largest number of people with HIV/AIDS in Africa and one quarter of the children in South Africa have lost their parents. The loss of so many earners and presence of so many children leads to many uneducated - country poorer.
Christian Aid
Set up in 1945 to help relieve the suffering of people left homeless after WW2. Now is a leading UK development agency that works across the globe and acts where need is greatest, regardless of religion.
- fundraising
- long term aid
- education and campaigning
BECAUSE ‘God saw what he had made, and it was very good! / agape/ jesus salvation
Media should be allowed to criticise about matters of life and death?
- everyone has a right to the freedom of voicing their own opinion, including media. RCC follows bible and believe and teach their beliefs to be absolute truth. The media should be allowed to express their beliefs as much as religions do.
- by criticising what religions say, people can be educated and learn different perspectives on their possible situations
- the media should point out contradictions in what religions say eg in million dollar baby Frankie acted with agape and his conscience, which the bible also encourages, when he granted maggie’s wish of ending her life.
Media should not be allowed to criticise about matters of life and death?
- influential on people, famous ppl participate and religious ppl who are not sure on views - CoSc could decide to change their views based on incorrect info, making drastic decision
- religions believe the teachings of their place of worship and holy book to be absolute truth eg RCC. Media criticises, conflict created between followers of religion and media
- v complicated issue, media criticises views on it - drastic decisions being made eg non-voluntary euthanasia; turning off life support machine