Unit 7 - WWII Flashcards
Good Neighbor Policy
• Plan to reduce U.S. imperialism in Latin
• example of U.S. isolationism
Neutrality Acts
• a series of laws passed to try to limit the
U.S. involvement in WWII (before we
formal got into the war).
• example of U.S. isolationism
Cash-And-Carry Policy
• allies could buy non-weapons from the U.S.
as long as they paid cash and came and got
the stuff themselves.
Destroyer-For-Bases Policy
• U.S. gave Great Britain old war ships in
exchange for the right to establish
military bases in Newfoundland & the
Lend-Lease Policy
• The U.S. lent arms to allies when they
couldn’t afford to pay for them
Atlantic Charter
- British & U.S. plan for post-wwii world
* similar to the 14 Points
Declaration of the United Nations
• Alliance agreement between U.S., Great
Britain, USSR, & China, et al. in WW2
• basis for modern UN (United Nations)
• getting things ready
• the U.S. had a huge plan for mobilization
for WWII
• limiting how much of something people can have
• butter, sugar, meat, gasoline, etc. were all
rationed during WWII
- Loans to the Government
* a way to put money into savings
Scrap Drives
• The Govt. paid Americans for scrap
metal to use the materials for WWII.
Victory Gardens
• Americans were encouraged to grow
their own food during WWII in order to
save resources
No-Strike Pledges
• Labor Unions agreed not to strike
during WWII to keep production up.
Japanese Internment
• 100,000 Japanese-Americans were put
into prison camps during WWII
Atomic Bomb
- most powerful kind of weapon
- splits atoms to create a huge blast
- created during WWII
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
• Japanese cities where U.S. dropped
atomic bombs
• Ban on trade with a particular country