Unit 7 - Strategy Flashcards
capital employed - NCL
Items owned by the business (cash in bank, capital)
money owed by the business to individuals, suppliers, banks, shareholders
current assets
assets sold within 12 months (stock)
Non current assets
Assets not sold within 12 months (capital, machinery)
current liabilities
liabilities paid within 12 months (suppliers)
non current liabilities
liabilities not paid within 12 months (LT loans, mortgage)
net current assets
current assets - current liabilities
net assets
non current assets + current assets - current liabilites - non current liabilites
gearing + calculation
% of a business that is financed by LT loans (non current liabilities)
non current liabilities/capital employed x100
capital employed calculation
total assets - current liabilities
- Total assets = non current assets + current assets.
money invested into the business into machinery, inventory
raw materials + other items needed for production to take place (includes part finished goods)
money that the business is owed (buyer has received goods from business but hasnt paid yet)
- cash inflow
money that the business owes (received supplies but havent paid yet)
- cash outflow