Unit 3 - 7Ps - Price Flashcards
The money charged for a product/service (£).
- Everything the consumer has to give up in order yo acquire a product/service.
Price Skimming
Sets a relatively high initial price then slow decreases it.
- (E.g. Apple introducing the Apple Watch).
- Used before a business faces competition
Pro - Maximise rev, cover high R+D costs
Con - Slower sales growth
Price Penetration
Sets a low initial price to gain market share.
Pro - Increase market share
Con - Lower SR profits
Dynamic Pricing
Prices change frequently in response to changes in demand.
(E.g. Peak/off peak, day/ weekend).
- Requires technology to track bookings/sales.
Predatory Pricing
Deliberately cutting prices to force/prevent competition (smaller businesses) out of the market.
Once these businesses have left then prices will go up.
- Anti-competitive and illegal if it can be proved.
Psychological Pricing
Used to play on consumer perceptions.
- E.g. High price = quality?
- E.g. £9.99 rather than £10. The 9 seems much less than 10.
Cost Plus Pricing
Adding a certain amount (mark up) to the cost of a product.
- Usually a percentage - to determine price.
E.g. Product cost = £1.50 to produce and mark up = 200%, the final product will be £1.50 + £3 (200%) = £4.50.
Loss Leader Pricing
Products sold at/or below cost price.
- Lose money but will increase sales and market share.
- Used a lot by supermarkets on essential products such as bread, toothpaste etc.
Price Discrimination
Charges different groups of consumers different prices for the same good/service.
- Differentiation by target market (e.g. PED).
- Entice new customers through lower prices.
Competitive Pricing
Charging the same or lower prices than competitors.
- Used by supermarkets and department stores