Unit 3 - 7Ps - Product Flashcards
What is the Product Portfolio
The range of goods/services that the firm provides.
- most firms are multi product and therefore have to he able to manage that range
What is the Boston Matrix
The Boston Matrix considers each product portfolio in relation to its market share and rate of market growth.
What is a Cash Cow
Cash cow has high market share and low market growth
(E.g. Established products - key brands (GUCCI)).
- Profits made through these products can be used to finance other products such as rising stars or help question marks.
- Firms will want to establish as many cash cows as possible.
What is a Rising Star
Rising star has high market share and high market growth.
- increasing sales revenue, fierce competition from new firms so need lots of promotion (funded from cash cow).
- Normally a trendy product so therefore relies on how long the trend lasts for how long it grows (sustainability).
What is a Question Mark
Question mark has low market share and high market growth
- With growth in the market a product can be very successful if there’s enough demand.
- Not sure whether to invest in product to potentially make it a cash cow OR to drop the product from the range.
What is a Dog
A dog has low market share and low market growth.
(E.g. older products that have gone out of fashion).
- Likely to be dropped by the business as low/no profits.
What is the product life cycle
A technique used to track the stages a product goes through during its life.
- Tracks sales over time from the development stage through to launch and then when the product leaves the market.
- R+D
- Introduction
- Growth
- Maturity
- Saturation
- Decline
- Extension Strategy
R+D stage of product life cycle characteristics
- Negative cash flow due to market research and R+D
- No sales revenue before launch.
Introduction Product Life Cycle Characteristics
- Production and promotion costs can be high
- Low sales volume
Growth Product Life Cycle Characteristics
- Increasing sales revenue
- Increasing production costs and increasing sales, but unit costs decreasing as experiencing EOS.
Maturity Product Life Cycle Characteristics + How does the product act?
- Sales increasing but at a slower rate
- Product acts as cash cow
Saturation Product Life Cycle Characteristics
Sales peaked, after saturation then a decline in sales
Decline Product Life Cycle Characteristics
- Product is losing sales
Extension Strategy Product Life Cycle + Examples of Strategies
Aims to increase the life cycle of a product and act as a relaunch to increase sales by changing the marketing mix
- Strategies include:
1. Product development
2. Market development
3. Place (distribution channels)
4. Price (pricing strategies)
5. Promotion
New Product Development + Risks
Process of bringing a new product/service into the market.
Technical + Operational barriers to overcome
Changing consumer tastes and preferences.