Unit 7 Map Flashcards
Identify Jordan

Identify the Suez Canal

Identify Israel

Identify the Gulf of Oman

Identify the Arabian Sea

Identify Cyprus

Identify the United Arab Emirates

Identify Georgia

Identify Libya

Identify Uzbekistan

Identify the Anatolian Plateau

Identify Qatar

Identify Yemen

Identify the Atlantic Ocean

Identify the Zagros Mountains

Identify the Negev Desert

Identify the Strait of Gibraltar

Identify the Taurus Mountains

Identify Iran

Identify the Bosphorus Strait

Identify Bahrain

Identify the Sahara Desert

Identify the Tigris River

Identify Armenia

Identify the Caspian Sea

Identify the Strait of Hormuz

Identify Egypt

Identify Rub’ al Khali

Identify the Nile Delta

Identify the Caucasus Mountains

Identify Iraq

Identify Morocco

Identify the Nile River

Identify the Indian Ocean

Identify the Mediterranean Sea

Identify Syria

Identify Kuwait

Identify Algeria

Identify Lebanon

Identify the Euphrates River

Identify the Persian Gulf

Identify Tunisia

Identify the Aral Sea

Identify the Dead Sea

Identify Azerbaijan

Identify Kyrgyzstan

Identify Turkmenistan

Identify the Western Sahara

Identify Oman

Identify Amu Darya

Identify the Jordan River

Identify Saudi Arabia

Identify Tajikistan

Identify Turkey

Identify the Atlas Mountains

Identify the Red Sea

Identify the Black Sea

Identify Kazakhstan