Unit 1 Test Review Flashcards
Identify Africa
Identify the Arctic Circle
lines of latitude run
east to west
Identify North America
The shortest day and longest night of the year is called the ___.
Winter Solstice
What are the two branches of geography?
physical geography and human geography
The more power and input citizens have in governing of a country, the more ___ it is, while the more authority the leader has, the more ___ the government is
democratic; authoritarian
Identify South America
lines of longitude run
north to south
Identify Asia
The ___ is the line of longitude that divides the earth into Eastern and Western Hemispheres
Prime Meridian
The ___ is the line of latitude that divides the earth into Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
Identify Antarctica
Identify the Pacific Ocean
a system which relies on the government to make economic decisions
a system that allows individuals to make economic decisions
Identify the Arctic Ocean
Identify the Atlantic Ocean
Identify the Tropic of Capricorn
The ___ map projection presevers the shape of things.
Identify the Prime Meridian
The ___ map projections preserves the size of things.
Identify the Indian Ocean
___ gives information about a location based on relation to another place. ___ uses latittude and longitude to give the exact location of a place.
Relative location; absolute location
Identify Australia
Identify Europe
Identify the Equator
Identify the Antarctic Circle
Identify the Tropic of Cancer