Unit 7 Flashcards
Por que ela era famosa?
Why was she famous? - Verbo be no passado
Ela era casada?
Was she married? - Verbo no passado tbm nesse caso
Que dia é hoje?
What day is (it) today?
Onde eles estão?
Where are they?
De onde é o seu namorado?
Where is your boyfriend from?
A vendedora trabalhou sábado passado, mas não trabalhou no domingo
The shop assistant worked last saturday, but she didn’t work on sunday -> Verbo no infinitivo quando uso o did
O secretário alugou uma mesa para o almoço, mas ele não alugou um taxi
The secretary booked a table for lunch, but he didn’t book a taxi
Quando o Channel Tunnel abriu?
When did the Channel Tunnel open?
no exterior
Eu joguei golfe antes de ontem
I played golf the day before yesterday
Para onde ela viajou primeiro?
Where did she travel to first?
Quando ela chegou ao torneio?
When did she arrive at the tournament?
Auto-estrada (rodovia duplicada)
The train went slower and slower until it stopped altogether.
I don’t altogether agree with you.
You owe me £68 altogether.
The food was good and we loved the music. Altogether it was a great evening.