unit 7 (1900-present) Flashcards
What were the main causes of WWI
Nationalism - people in empires wanted to be seperate (Serbia) leading to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Alliances - alliances between Britain, France, and Russia (Triple Entente), and Austria-Hungary, Italy, and Germany (Triple Alliance) caused the assassination to escalate into an all out war
Militarism - many nations had very detailed war plans, so they wanted to be the first to strike, leading to a quicker start to the war
How did the Industrial Revolution have an effect on the start of WWI?
The industrial revolution created rivalries between states for resources
Who as in the Triple Alliance?
Austria-Hungary, Italy, and Germany
Who was in the Triple-Entente?
Britain, France, and Russia
What specific event caused WWI?
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand by a Serbian nationalist
Russia sided with Serbia, and Austria-Hungary was threatened by this expression of nationalism, calling on the aid of Germany
Why was Europe vulnerable after WWI?
The alliances and radical nationalism created a tense atmosphere, the rise of new nations changed the political landscape, and some nations (Germany and Italy) were resentful about the terms of the Treaty of Versaille
How did most people feel about the war?
Due to the growth of nationalism, many were very excited by the war and even pressured governments to go to war
Men rushed to enlist (because they thought the war was going to end before they could fight, and those in the military were held in high social prestige) and those who didn’t were often looked down upon
When the war continued for many years, people became less happy about it
What is conscription?
Compulsory military service/draft
many countries had this contributing to their large armies
Britain did not have compulsory military service but did have a draft
How did women’s roles change during WWI?
Women worked in factories, on farms, and did other jobs that men had left
After the war they were given the right to vote, and many social norms changed; women began to wear shorter dresses, cut their hair, smoke, drink, go to nightclubs, and more
How did WWI affect colonies?
Colonial subjects fought alongside Europeans, the violence they saw as well as the military skills and political awareness that they gained led to stronger feelings of nationalism, and led to more anti-colonial movements
How did WWI change the government’s role?
During the war governments assumed greater control over the economy, in Germany especially
This is called war socialism
How did people feel about Europe’s superiority after WWI?
Many were disillusioned and thought that the war mocked Enlightenment ideas (particularly intellectuals), they began to question the superiority of Europe (especially in colonies)
How did WWI affect lower classes?
There was a lot of social mobility due to casualties in the upper classes
How did consumerism change after WWI?
People began to buy more manufactured goods, and there was an economic boom known as the Roaring 20s
Many bought goods from the US, and American celebrities became international ones, marking the rise of the US as a global superpower
How was Germany affected by the Treaty of Versailles?
They had to
- take responsibility for the war
- lost most of their empire
- pay reparations
- reduce their army
This led to humiliation and resentment and allowed the rise of Hitler and fascism and the start of WWII
What are Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points?
Wilson’s ideas for preventing future wars and a new model of international life that focused on moral principles and not secret deals and alliances
This created the League of Nations
What caused the Great Depression?
Overproduction and the US stock market crash
The Depression spread to Europe because of trade, debts, and investments
It spread across the world because of European imperialism
Who led the Russian Revolution in 1917?
Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks
Lenin’s messages of an end to the war, land for peasants, worker’s controlling factories, and self determination for non-Russian nationalities, resonated with many
Who was Joseph Stalin and what was his rule like?
- dictator of the Soviet Union
- Modernized Russia and industrialized a lot
- Economy was good, Depression was avoided
- Collectivized agriculture, which led to a famine that killed 5 million people
- millions were also killed in his “Great Purge” due to internal conflicts
- many were wrongfully imprisoned and sent to gulags
Who was the leader of fascism in Italy?
- Came to power through violence and force
- suspended democracy and created a corporate state
- implemented many traditional aspects of Italian culture, such as making the Vatican its own nation and making Catholicism the national religion
- wanted to create a “new Roman Empire”
Who was the leader of fascism in Germany?
- came to power through elections
- gained popular vote because of his calling for decisive government action against the Depression
- had plans for government spending in superhighways, bridges, channels and more
- these ended the Depression in Germany
- also called for a racial revolution which resonated with nationalist ideas
Who was the fascist leader in Japan?
There was none, because of the strength of the traditional government and the fact that the emperor was seen as the “father” of his people
- the emperor gained more power and the parliament lost a lot of power
- nationalist ideologies also grew and many wanted Japan to expand across Asia
What was going on in South America during the Depression?
In Mexico the Mexican Revolution occurred, pushing for land reforms, education, and the nationalisation of the oil industry
Also in Latin and South America many governments turned to import substitution to focus on internal markets rather than on exports
Why did fascism appeal to many in Italy and Germany?
It promised a strong and stable government, less unemployment, not communism, getting revenge for the Treaty of Versailles, and rebuilding the military (appealing to veterns)
What did the Lateran Accords of 1929 do?
It made Catholicism the official religion of Italy, gave sovereignty to the pope and Vatican, and the pope agreed to take a neutral stance on what Mussolini did
What did the Nuremberg Laws do?
It took citizenship away from Jews and outlawed marriage and relationships between Jews and Germans
What did Nazis believe?
That they (Germans/Aryans) were the superior race and that all “inferior” races should be eliminated
They tended to use phenology and scientific racism
What Enlightenment idea DID the Nazis embrace?
The infinite perfectibility of humankind
Who were Moga and Mogo in Japan?
They were very similar to flappers, they were modernized men and women during the 20s who wore more revealing clothing and cut their hair short
What were the Revolutionary Right and Cherry Blossom Society in Japan?
Movements that promoted fascism in Japan
Started in the Great Depression when many felt that capitalism had failed them
Extremely nationalistic and believed that the nation should center completely around the emperor
What were some ways that Japan’s modernization created a tense atmosphere?
The Rice Riots;
Rising prices of rice caused protests
Labor unions and workers rights movements grew
Tenant unions increased
How did WWII start in Asia?
Japan became more ambitious and nationalistic
- in 1931 Japanese troops took control of Manchuria and began a puppet state there
- this was not under the direction of the government but was not condemned
- Japan then pulled out of the League of Nations
- a full scale attack on China happened in 1937 officially starting the war
How did the war start in Europe?
German aggression (annexing Austria and German speaking areas of Czechoslovakia)
Britain and France were unwilling to stop this in hopes that it would satisfy Hitler
It did not; he invaded Poland, officially beginning WWII
What was the Rape of Nanjing?
Atrocities committed by the Japanese army against Chinese civilians
In 1937-38 200,000-300,000 civilians were killed, often mutilated, and countless women were sexually assaulted
Why did Japan invade European colonies?
To gain resources and “free” them from the West
Japan’s rule often exceeded Europe’s in brutality
Why did Japan bomb Pearl Harbor?
America opposed Japan’s conquests in Asia and restricted oil trade
When did WWII officially end?
September 2, 1945; a month after Hiroshima and Nagasaki
What was D-Day?
When England and the US invaded Nazi occupied France to liberate it from Germany and open a second front of the war
What is blitzkrieg and how did it affect the war?
“Lightning war” coordinated the rapid movement of infantry, tanks, and airpower over large areas
This allowed Germany and Italy to sweep over Europe, parts of the Soviet Union, and North Africa
How did colonies react after WWII?
They wanted their own freedom and the right to govern themselves after Churchill and Roosevelt said every country had the right to do so
Europe was also very weak so this allowed anti-colonial movements to end colonial rule
What were some organizations created to maintain peace after WWII?
The UN - a forum for international opinion rather than to solve conflicts
World Bank and International Monetary fund - were created to regulate the global economy, prevent another depression, and stimulate economic growth, especially in poorer nations
NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization) in 1949; this alliance committed the US and its nuclear weapons to the defense of Europe against the USSR, it also anchored West Germany into the alliance and reduced military spending in Europe
European Economic Community/European Union - reduced tariffs and developed common trade policies
The EEC expanded to include almost all of Europe and became the European Union in 1994, and in 2002 many of its members adopted a common currency (the euro)
What was the Marshall Plan?
US developed the Marshall Plan that gave $12 billion ($121 billion in 2017), and many advisors and technicians
It was motivated by a genuine humanitarian concern as well as a desire to prevent another depression by creating overseas customers for American businesses and a desire to undermine support for communist parties
What did Stalin do after WWII
Stalin presided over an expansion of communist control in Eastern Europe as the war ended; he insisted that “friendly” governments in the region were required to end the threat of invasion from the west
He also feared that large scale American aid in Europe sought to to include Eastern Europe in a capitalist network, so he sought to install fully communist governments loyal to him, in Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria
Because of this communism in Eastern Europe was mostly imposed from the outside rather than a domestic revolution
In Yugoslavia, however, there was a popular communist party that fought against Nazi occupation, and came to power with little help from the Soviet Union, the leader, Josef Broz aka Tito, defied Soviet efforts to control Yugoslavia
What was the outcome of the Chinese Revolution of 1949?
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) took over
The party was led by Mao Zedong
The party promoted modern developments (railroads, light industry, banking, airline services)
The impact of these achievements was limited to cities, leaving rural areas (where most of the population lived) impoverished
What social class supported the CCP the most?
Peasants in rural villages;
People in rural villages did not rise spontaneously against their landlords, instead there was years of guerrilla warfare, experiments with land reform in areas under communist control, and the creation of a communist military force to protect liberated areas gained support and respect for the CCP
Many also supported the CCP for fighting the Japanese and for their honesty as opposed to the Guomindang’s corruption