Unit 6 Vocab Flashcards
1883 Slavery Abolition Act
Ended slavery in parts of the British Empire which created a need for labor.
Alexander Graham Bell
He invented the telephone in 1876. The patent for the telephone was the most valuable patent ever issued.
A person who opposes all forms of government.
Assembly Line
A method of manufacturing in which a product is put together as it moves along a belt with individuals stationed along the belt to work on specific tasks
The act of becoming part of another culture
Banana Republics
Small Central American countries that fell under the economic power of foreign corporations.
Berlin Conference
A meeting of several European powers to discuss the orderly colonization of Africa in which colonial boundaries and trade movements were established
Black Gold
A nickname for oil
Boer Wars
Also known as the Anglo-Boer Wars, were two wars fought in 1880-1881 and 1899-1902 between the British Empire and two independent Boer states: the South African Republic and the Orange Free State.
Boxer Rebellion
A violent, armed uprising in China that sought to drive all foreigners from China from 1899 to 1901
British East India Company
A British monopolistic trading establishment which exploited Southeast Asia and India for trade
Corporate combinations that control entire industries
Congo Free State
Privately owned colony by King Leopold II of Belgium from in which he kept all profits and exploited workers. As many as 8 million died under Leopold’s reign.
The Chinese Exclusion Act
A U.S. federal law that prohibited all immigration of Chinese laborers.
Chinese Immigration Act
An 1855 response to the large influx of Chinese miners in Australia that limited the number of Chinese immigrants that came ashore from each ship.
Culture System
farmers had to choose between growing cash crops for export or performing mandatory unpaid work.
David Ricardo
A British political economist who wrote Principles of Political Economy and Taxation; He stated that working class poverty was inevitable because supply and demand determines wages.
Division of Labor
Assigning different parts or tasks of the manufacturing process to different people in order to improve efficiency.
Economic Imperialism
When foreign business interests have great economic power and influence which takes advantage of natural resources outside their borders
A person who starts up and takes on the risk and profits of a business
Ethnic Enclaves
Groups or neighborhoods of people from the same foreign country
Export Economies
Many colonies turned into centers of production that focused on sending their raw materials or products elsewhere.
Factors of Production
A favorable combination of the needed factors: land, capital, and labor.
Free Enterprise
An economic system in which individuals and businesses are allowed to compete for profit with a minimum of government interference
George Stephenson
An English engineer who perfected a steam locomotive that ran on rails
Ghost Dance
Around 1869, the Northern Paiute Indians thought the dead would return to drive out the white invaders and return lands to Native Americans. The Ghost Dance rituals performed were supposed to help this process.
Great Famine
From 1845 to 1849, the potato crop was destroyed in Ireland causing about 3 million people to emigrate to other nations
Henry Ford
Perfected a system to mass produce cars making them more widely available at lower prices
People who work to improve the conditions of others.
a policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force.
Indentured Servitude
A type of labor (often coerced) in which a person takes out a loan in exchange for agreeing to work without a salary to repay the loan
Indian Rebellion of 1857
Also called the Sepoy Mutiny, a violent uprising against the British in colonial India after the British began using cow and pig fat to grease their rifle cartridges. The rebellion was squashed but it sparked the beginning of Indian nationalism.
Indian Removal Act of 1830
Cherokee and other Native Americans from the southeast were forced to relocate to Oklahoma.
Industrial Capitalism
An economic and social system in which trade, industry and capital are privately controlled and operated for a profit.
The Industrial Revolution
The transition to new manufacturing processes in Europe and the United States beginning in the 1760s.
James Watt
An inventor best known for his improvements to the steam engine.
Jane Addams
She was the founder of the Settlement House Movement and the first American woman to earn the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931 as president of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom.
Jeremy Bentham
An English philosopher and founder of utilitarianism; Argued law was useful and therefore good; Believed people should be educated so they could make decisions for themselves.
John D. Rockefeller
An American entrepreneur and founder of the Standard Oil Trust which ended oil competition. He was known for being a ruthless competitor.
John Kay
He invented the flying shuttle which moved the weft-carrying shuttle quickly across the loom leading to faster cloth production.