Unit 6 (Learning) Flashcards
What is Learning?
A relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of experience
Behavioral Approaches
- Classical Conditioning
- Operant Conditioning
Cognitive Approaches
- Latent Learning
- Social Learning
Ian Pavlov
Classical Conditioning - Russian psychologist, who won a Nobel Prize in 1904 for his study of the process of digestion
Classical Conditioning
- Event-Event Learning (Two things associated with each other)
- Learning by association - Learning process in which a previously neutral stimulus elicits a similar response to one that was originally elicited by another stimulus as a result of pairing or association of the two stimuli
Principles of Classical Conditioning
- “Conditioned” learned
- “Unconditioned” not learned (i.e. reflexive)
Discrimination Training
A difference between the stimuli
Broadly/Apply to other situations
Decrease in behavior/response
Stage of classical conditioning which the controlled stimuli and the uncontrolled stimuli are paired and the strength of the cr increases
Process by which CR is elicited by stimuli different form, but similar to, CS
Learning to differentiate between different stimuli, emitting the CR in the presence of some stimuli and not others
Frequency of Pairings
The more frequent the CS is paired with the UCS, the stronger the CR will be
The closer together the CS and UCS are paired, the stronger the CS will be
Intensity of Unconditioned Stimulus
The stronger the UCS, the faster the conditioning
Systemic Desensitization
Conditioning technique where goal is to gradually teach patients to associate positive feelings with a previously feared stimulus
Pair products (cs) with sexual images (ucs) to elicit desire for product (cr)
Food - Eating specific food in specific setting
Drug - Exposure to previous drug related cues leads to cravings
Taste Aversion
Dislike of a food based on a bad experience with it