_______ refers to linguistic uses of pitch to convey meaning at the sentence or discourse level.
It is necessary to convey your message and to ensure that your speech is appropriate and natural-sounding. Non-native English speakers tend to transfer the patterns of their mother tongue to English.
Correct use of intonation
___________ is the term used to describe the use of pitch patterns. It is used to distinguish individual words or the grammatical forms of words, such as the singular and plural forms of nouns or different tenses of verbs (Maddieson, 2011).
It refers to the use of melody and includes rise and fall of the voice when speaking (Dale, P.2005)
It refers to the quality of a sound governed by the rate of vibrations producing it.
It is the degree of highness or lowness of a tone (Maddieson, 2011).
_______of the human voice not only differs among individuals, it can also tell hearer whether the speaker is male or female, adult or young. High and low pitch of the voice can tell you if a person is frightened or happy, or whether the speaker is angry or cal
It refers to linguistic uses of pitch to convey meaning at the sentence or discourse level (Fasold, R. 2006).
the pitch of the voice on a syllable determines a meaning.
Tone languages
is necessary to convey your message and to ensure that your speech is appropriate and natural-sounding
The correct use of intonation
_____ can also be defined as a specific change in pitch that functions in tone languages to distinguish words that are made up of the same segments (Rowe, 2006).
_____ _____ refers to a sequence of accented syllables, one or more of which are prominent.
A syllable which carries a tone is called a ____ _____
tonic syllable
_______is the manner of acting, feeling, or thinking that shows one’s disposition, opinion or one’s disposition, mental set, etc.
___________ _________- is an intonation pattern that either rises and then falls, or just falls.
A proclaiming tone
_____ _______ shows that the speaker is giving new information.
A proclaiming tone
On the other hand, a ______ _____ indicates that the speaker is referring to something that the people involved in the conversation already know.
referring tone
______ _____ is an intonation pattern which shows that the speaker is referring to something everybody already knows.
referring tone
_____ _____ falls and rises, or just rises. It can be compared to a proclaiming tone, which shows that the speaker is giving new information.
A referring tone