Unit 6. -ing and -ed adjectives Flashcards
I’m really interest_(ed? ing?) in sports.
For me, sports news is interest_(ed? ing?).
I’m really interested in sports.
For me, sports news is interesting.
I’m normally bor_(ed? ing?) with such news. It’s so unbelievably bor_(ed? ing?).
I’m normally bored with such news. It’s so unbelievably boring.
The Queen was very a_ when she saw the dog. (= she found it funny and cute)
The Queen was very amused when she saw the dog.
I find this teacher’s explanations very c_ (= запутанные, непонятные).
I find this teacher’s explanations very confusing. /kənˈfjuːzɪŋ/
These animals are very a_ (= funny and cute).
These animals are very amusing.
In my opinion, these views are really d_ (= наводят на меня тоску, вгоняют меня в депрессию).
In my opinion, these views are really depressing (= наводят на меня депрессию, тоску).
They found the exam results very d_ (= разочаровывающие).
They found the exam results very disappointing (= разочаровывающие).
This puzzle is extremely ch_ (= difficult) and frustrating (= makes you feel bad because you can’t do it).
This puzzle is extremely challenging (= difficult) and frustrating (= makes you feel bad because you can’t do it).
This puzzle is extremely challenging (= difficult) and f_ (= makes you feel bad because you can’t do it).
This puzzle is extremely challenging (= difficult) and frustrating (= makes you feel bad because you can’t do it).
BrE /frʌˈstreɪtɪŋ/
AmE /ˈfrʌstreɪtɪŋ/ (note the difference in stress between American and British accent - so, any stress is correct)
Most kids like this toy, but my cousin found it t_ (= extremely scary).
Most kids like this toy, but my cousin found it terrifying.
/ˈterɪfaɪɪŋ/ - the stress is on the FIRST syllable!
These activities are very r_ (= расслабляющие).
These activities are very relaxing. (= расслабляющие).
I’m always с_ by his explanations (= они меня сбивают с толку, для меня они непонятные).
I’m always confused by his explanations.
They were very d_ with their exam results. (= разочарованы)
They were very disappointed with their exam results.
Shopping can be very _ (TIRE»_space; adjective).
Shopping can be very tiring.
I find this situation rather _ (annoyed? annoying?)
I find this situation rather annoying.
I’m really _ (annoyed? annoying?) about the construction site in front of my house.
construction site = стройка
I‘m really annoyedabout the construction site in front of my house.
Don’t be _ (frightened? frightening?) of that snake. It’s harmless (= безобидная).
Don’t be frightened of that snake. It’s harmless.
The prices rose one more time? Why am I not _ (surprised? surprising?)
Why am I not surprised?
I’m so very _ (frustrated? frustrating?) = меня это уже довело до белого каления
I‘m so very frustrated.
The book about world history made me think a lot. It was really th_-_.
The book about world history made me think a lot. It was really thought-provoking.
/ˈθɔːt prəvəʊkɪŋ/ - the stress is on ‘thought’
It’s c_ (= makes me worried) that many people today believe stories without checking if they’re true.
It’s concerning that many people today believe stories without checking if they’re true.
It’s a_ (makes me REALLY worried) how fast the ice in the North Pole is melting.
It’s alarming how fast the ice in the North Pole is melting.
I think it’s d_ (физически отвратительно) when people throw trash on the ground.
I think it’s disgusting when people throw trash on the ground.
It’s i_ (= makes me incredibly angry) when someone talks loudly during a movie in the cinema.
It’s infuriating when someone talks loudly during a movie in the cinema.