[Patterns] without v-ing Flashcards
[Reformulate the sentence]
He didn’t read the manual, but he managed to assemble the entire bookshelf.
He was able to assemble the entire bookshelf _ _ _ _. (= не читая инструкцию)
He was able to assemble the entire bookshelf without reading the manual.
… How I can get straight ‘A’s in school _ _.
(= без усилий, не стараясь)
… How I can get straight ‘A’s in school without trying.
Have you ever left the house _ _
some important things, like money, keys or documents with you? (=не захватив с собой)
Have you ever left the house without taking
some important things, like money, keys or documents with you?
[Reformulate the sentence]
Sometimes we’re bad even though we don’t want to be bad.
Sometimes we’re bad _ _ to be. (=непреднамеренно)
Sometimes we’re bad without meaning to be.
Do you think it’s possible to work in a country _ _ the local language?
(=не зная)
Do you think it’s possible to work in a country without knowing the local language?
How do you feel when you leave the house _ w_ _ _? (=не накрасившись)
How do you feel when you leave the house without wearing any makeup?)
We’re not going to drink _ _. Alcoholics do that. (=на голодный желудок, не поев)
We’re not going to drink without eating. Alcoholics do that.
How long can you g_ _ _ to anyone (until you start feeling uncomfortable)? (=продержаться, ни с кем не разговаривая)
How long can you go without talking to anyone (until you start feeling uncomfortable)?
When she started borrowing my clothes _ _, I had to put my foot down.
(= начала брать мои вещи без спроса)
When she started borrowing my clothes without asking, I had to put my foot down.
Skills become reflex. Muscle memory. You do _ _.
(=не задумываясь)
Skills become reflex. Muscle memory. You do without thinking.
Life is nothing more than a game; man has to choose his own end _ _ for orders, notice or advice.
(= не дожидаясь)
Life is nothing more than a game; man has to choose his own end without waiting for orders, notice or advice.
[Reformulate the sentence]
I started crying but I’m not sure abot the reason why I cried.
I began to cry _ _ _.
I began to cry without knowing why.
It _ _ _.
(=Это само собой разумеется)
It goes without saying.
[Reformulate the sentence]
I said I did it but I didn’t even notice I was doing it, right? It just happens!
I said I did it _ _, didn’t I? It just happens!
I said I did it without noticing,didn’t I? It just happens!
Now, without _ _ technical d_, the redder the circle, the more fragile that city is.
= не углубляясь в технические детали..
Now, without going into technical detail, the redder the circle, the more fragile that city is.
NOTE: ‘detail’ is singular here!
It gave me an opportunity to express myself in this way, without _ _ say _ w_. (= I didn’t have to say anything to do that)
= не произнося ни слова
It gave me an opportunity to express myself in this way, without having to say a word.