Feedback January-February Flashcards
I was watching the video of this fire and it was completely m_ (завораживающий).
I was watching the video of this fire and it was completely mesmerizing. (завораживающий).
He has a very _ smile.
He has a very insincere smile.
He pays a lot of attention to d_.
plural? uncountable?
He pays a lot of attention to detail.
I hate it when she starts going off _ a tangent during the meeting.
I hate it when she starts going off on a tangent during the meeting.
It depends on _ (в какой мере) the person is self-centred.
It depends on the extent to which the person is self-centred.
It depends on just how self-centered the person is.
sour cream
I’m trying to _ _ some weight.
the opposite of ‘lose’
I’m trying to put on some weight.
= gain
I believe music can only help if you’re doing _ (монотонные) tasks.
I believe music can only help if you’re doing monotonous tasks.
BrE /məˈnɒtənəs/
AmE /məˈnɑːtənəs/
If it gets too busy, I retreat to my _ (кабинет).
If it gets too busy, I retreat to my office.
Mr. Thompson, a vegan for years, was seen eating a cheeseburger at the local diner.
Mr. Thompson, a vegan /ˈviːɡən/ for years, was seen eating a cheeseburger at the local diner.
He seems to have given _ to temptation
He seems to have given in to temptation.
I’m OK with people being vegan, I just don’t like anyone _ pressure on me to do that too.
I’m OK with people being vegan, I just don’t like anyone putting pressure on me to do that too.
It seems like she didn’t expect any visitors.
Reformulate: with ‘she / seem’
She doesn’t seem to have expected any visitors.
And what’s the correct answer?
I can’t really share the screen because I _ (я с айфона) today.
I can’t really share the screen because I’m on my iPhone today.
NOT ‘from’
My colleagues told me she was going to leave the company. She was like, ‘I’ve just _ (написала заявление).
My colleagues told me she was going to leave the company. She was like, ‘I’ve just handed in my notice.’
My boss _ (у него привычка) + redirect this kind of stuff to me.
My boss has a habit of redirecting this kind of stuff to me.
Looks like the manager is giving a bonus to everyone in the department.
That’s a good _ to improve everyone’s motivation, isn’it?
= хороший способ
That’s a good way to improve everyone’s motivation, isn’it?
They’ve spent a fortune _ that, haven’t they?
They’ve spent a fortune on that, haven’t they?
The city center is already decorated for the holidays.
They’ve done it _ in advance, haven’t they?
They’ve done it well in advance, haven’t they?
We can’t wait _ (celebrate) the end of the course, can we?
We can’t wait to celebrate the end of the course, can we?
We live near the _ (залив).
We live near the bay.
I never thought - I feel good about living without snow,
but in fact I’m ernjoying it.
I never thought I‘d feel good about living without snow,
but in fact I’m ernjoying it.
no use / milk
= There’s no point in worryting over past events which cannot be changed.
It’s no use crying over spilled milk.
You need a _ diet.
= диета без перекосов
You need a balanced diet.
Eggs were supposed to be bad for your _ (холестерин).
Eggs were supposed to be bad for your cholesterol.
[collocation + word formation]
The new ‘Master and Margarita’ film _ _ (CONTROVERSIAL) online.
The new ‘Master and Margarita’ film sparked controversy online.
BrE /ˈkɒntrəvɜːsi/
AmE /ˈkɑːntrəvɜːrsi/
In my industry, we often have to share _ (насколько мы готовы к следующему дедлайну).
In my industry, we often have to share how prepared we are for the next deadline.
how adj +
When I moved here, I considered / get an accountant’s licence.
When I moved here, I considered getting an accountant’s licence.
Is it important that you participate in this meeting?
It depends on…
Depends on how important your participation in this meeting is.
Depends on how important it is that I participate in this meeting.
This article sounds like _ news to me.
= жёлтая пресса
This article sounds like tabloid news to me.
Do you normally find it easy to adapt to changes?
This depends on how many aspects of my life these changes a_. (= затрагивают)
This depends on how many aspects of my life these changes affect.
Reformulate: Are you a motivated person? Keep both ‘motivated’ and ‘person’
This depends on how ..
This depends on how motivated a person you are.
Alternative: This depends on how motivated you are.
How fast are people promoted in your organisation?
a dedicated worker?
Formulate with ‘this depends on..’
This depends on how dedicated a worker you are.
How fast can your team address a challenge?
зависит от того, насколько это большой challenge
This depends on how big a challenge this is.
how big the challenge is
I got my dad’s order from an Ozon _ (пункт выдачи).
I got my dad’s order from an Ozon pickup point.
Sevkabel port is a new art _ (пространство) in St. Pete.
Sevkabel Port is a new art space in St. Pete.
My mom and dad, who are about 80 years old, were actually sliding and having fun.
There are lots of cafes there
He usually goes to bed _ (поздно).
He usually goes to bed late.
late vs lately?
В последнее время, я поздно ложусь спать.
lately = recently
Lately, I’ve been going to bed late.
I’d booked _ (эконом) but they upgraded me to Business Class.
I’d booked Economy but they upgraded me to Business Class.
[add one word]
Maybe it depends, I would say, the season.
Maybe it depends, I would say, on the season.
I need to уложить детей.
I need to put my kids to bed.
I sometimes find it difficult to _ (уснуть).
I sometimes find it difficult to fall asleep.
I just like _ (вкус кофе).
I just like the taste of coffee.
On a typical day, I’ll _ (ложусь спать) at around midnight.
On a typical day, I’ll go to bed at around midnight.
You’re very supportive teammate.
You’re a very supportive teammate.
Women with salad are supposed to look happy and satisfied _ their life.
Women with salad are supposed to look happy and satisfied with their life.
[word formation]
I know that people spend a lot of money because they’re afraid of _ (AGE).
[word formation]
I know that people spend a lot of money because they’re afraid of aging.
They just don’t see that those clinics are just _ money on them.
They just don’t see that those clinics are just making money on them.
[word formation]
I don’t find this _ (ATTRACT).
I don’t find this attractive.
I don’t think I’ll age well - I’ve got _ _’s _ _.
у меня плохая наследственность, в маму
I don’t think I’ll age well - I’ve got my mom’s bad genes.
Oh no! The bee’s _ me! (= ужалила)
Oh no! The bee’s stung me! (= ужалила)
a bee’s sting (not a ‘bite’)!
Yesterday I had some trouble with my _ (= большой палец руки).
Yesterday I had some trouble with my thumb.
They’re trying to find a new niche for themselves, but they’re not a_ the root cause.
They’re trying to find a new niche for themselves, but they’re not addressing the root cause.
The real reason for sagging lips is poor blood _ (кровообращение), not muscles.
The real reason for sagging lips is poor blood circulation, not muscles.
If you have _ (зажатые) neck muscles, this reduces blood circulation in your face.
If you have tense neck muscles, this reduces blood circulation in your face.
He’s got red _ on his forehead.
He’s got red blotches on his forehead.
I wish plane ticket prices _ (were? would be?) lower.
I wish plane ticket prices were lower.
plane tickets can’t make any decisions :)
This scene is a bit _ (кринжовая).
This scene is a bit cringeworthy.
Jess was _ _ (подслушивала) their conversation.
Jess was eavesdropping on their conversation.
BrE /ˈiːvzdrɒp/
AmE /ˈiːvzdrɑːp/
This film is a tear_.
(= makes you cry on purpose)
This film is a tearjerker.