Unit 6 - Human Systems Flashcards
appendicular skeleton
bones that make up the “appendages” (arms & legs) and the bones that support the arms & legs (shoulder and pelvis)
axial skeleton
bones that make up the head and neck and core (ribs, sternum, cranium)
smooth muscle
involuntary muscle that lines the organs
cardiac muscle
involuntary muscle that makes up the heart
skeletal muscle
voluntary muscle that is attached to the bones
connects bone to muscle
connects bone to bone
systemic circulation
blood is pumped throughout the body
pulmonary circulation
blood pumped from heart to lungs
toward the back of an organism; used in dissection
towards the head of the an organism
towards the bottom/rear of an organism
towards the abdomen/stomach of an organism
involuntary muscle contractions that move food through the digestive system
endocrine gland
gland that releases substances/hormones directly into the bloodstream
exocrine gland
gland that releases substances/hormones through ducts to the organs
organ near the liver that stores bile
injection of a weakened or dead virus to stimulate the immune system
drug or natural substance that can attach and destroy certain microorganisms
a disease producing agent
nitrogen fixation
nitrogen in the atmosphere is converted into a from useful for living things by bacteria located at the roots of plants
type of organism (like a bacteria) that lives off the nutrients of dead material
AKA decomposer
bacterium forms this by producing a thick internal wall that encloses DNA and a portion of its cytoplasm
form of sexual reproduction in bacteria and process that involves an exchange of genetic information
binary fission
asexual reproduction in bacteria
facultative anaerobe
organism that can survive with or without oxygen
protein coat that protects nucleic acid in a virus
obligate anaerobe
organism that lives only without oxygen
inflammatory response
a reaction of the immune system to help the body; example is a fever or swelling
obligate aerobe
organism that must have a constant supply of oxygen
Koch’s Postulates
Koch was a scientist that came up with a set of criteria that established that a particular agent causes a disease
HIV factory; type of blood cell that HIV destroys
noncellular particle that is made up of a single strand of RNA that causes diseases in plants; lacks a protein coat
noncellular particle made up of genetic material (DNA or RNA) and a protein that can invade living cells
noncellular particle made up of only a protein (no genetic material); only causes diseases in animals
spherical shaped bacteria
rod shaped bacteria
a foreign molecule that elicits an immune response
protein that reacts with a foreign substance
viral DNA attached to a bacterial chromosome
lysogenic cycle
process in which viral DNA is inserted into the DNA of a host cell where it can remain for many generations before becoming active
lytic cycle
process in which a host cell is invaded, lysed, and destroyed by a virus
virus that invades bacteria
spiral shaped bacteria
negative feedback
process when your body needs to slow down or stop your systems from something that is happening. EX. sweating…. your body’s reaction to your body temperature rising; regulating blood sugar (insulin)
positive feedback
process when your body amplifies the action of a system. EX. child birth or blood clotting