Unit 6: Forensics Flashcards
What is the extent of decomposition?
Bodies following a pattern of decay and decomposition. This usually starts with enzymes from the digestive system breaking down the surrounding tissue, while cells release enzymes as they begin to break down. Stages of decomposition is used to determine how long a body has been dead for.
What is forensic entomology?
It is the study of insects used to determine the time of death. Each species has a specific life cycle. Determining the age of the insect present enables the the time of death to be determined.
What is the stages of succession?
As the body decays, the species colonising the body change. Therefore, the analysis of the community of species present can be used to determine the time of death.
How is body temperature used in forensics?
The temperature of the body begins to decrease after death as heat-producing metabolic reactions stop. However, temperature can only be used to determine the time of death in the first 24 hours. Equals the surroundings (algor mortis)
How is the degree of muscle contraction used in forensics?
After deaths muscles begin to stiffen as ATP is used up, calcium ions build up in the muscle and become fixed in a state of contraction (rigor mortis). The extent of rigor mortis can be used to determine the time of death. Begin after 2-4 hours of death and lasts to 36 hours so limited in use in determining the time of death.
How does microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi play an important role in the decomposition of organic matter and the recycling of carbon?
Bacteria and fungi secrete enzymes that decompose organic matter into small molecules which they then use as respiratory substrate - carbon dioxide and methane are released in the process, thus recycling carbon.
How do microorganisms decompose organic matter?
Microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) are important to the carbon cycle. When they die they secret enzymes that decompose the dead organic matter into small molecules that they can respire. Methane (CH4) are released. This recycles carbon back into the atmosphere.
What is DNA profiling?
It is a genetic fingerprint of an organisms DNA. It is unique to you. Used to identify people and determine genetic relationships
What are the different stages of obtaining a DNA sample to then use in gel electrophoresis?
1) DNA sample obtained (blood, saliva)
2) PCR used to amplify DNA
3) Fluorescent tag is added (stain)
4) Gel electrophoresis is used to separate the DNA
5) Gel is viewed under UV light (compare band patters- determine genetic relationship)
What is the process if PCR?
1) Reaction mixture contains DNA sample, free nucleotides, primers and DNA polymerase. Primers- short pieces of DNA are complementary to the bases at the start of the fragment you want. DNA polymerase- enzyme, creates new strand of DNA.
2) DNA mixtures heated at 95°C- break hydrogen bonds
3) Cooled between 50-65°C - primers bind to the strand
4) Heated 72°C so DNA polymerase can work
5) DNA polymerase lines up the free DNA nucleotides alongside the template strand- complementary base pairings means new complementary strands
6) Two new copies of the fragment of DNA are formed and one cycle of PCR is complete
7) Cycle starts again- heated 95°C all four strand (2new and 2 original) are used as templates
8) Each PCR cycle doubles the amount of DNA e.g. 1st cycle= 2 x 2 = 4 DNA fragments
What is the process of gel electrophoresis?
1) DNA placed into a slab of gel and covered with a buffer solution that conduct electricity
2) Electrical current passes through the gel. DNA fragments are negatively charged, so they move towards the anode (positive electrode) - far end of gel
3) Short DNA fragments move faster and travel further through the gel, so the DNA fragments separate according to length.
How is DNA profiling used?
DNA is isolated and each sample is amplified using PCR and the products are run on electrophoresis gel and the DNA profiles produced are compared to see if there are any match. If so, it links the person to a crime scene, for example.
How is DNA profiling used to determine genetic relationships in humans
Inherit DNA from our parents, roughly half from each. More bands on two DNA profiles that match, the more closely-related they are (genetically similar). For example, paternity tests used to determine the biological father.
How can DNA profiling be used in animals and plants?
Used to prevent inbreeding (causes health, productivity, and reproductive problems) on animals and plants. Inbreeding decreases the gene pool (number of different alleles)- increase risk of genetic disorders. Used to identify closely related individuals and the less related individuals are bred together.
How to carry out gel electrophoresis (gel tray)
1) Use an agarose gel poured into the gel tray and left to solidify. A row of wells is created at one end of the gel.
2) Put gel tray into the gel box/tank. End of gel tray with the wells closest to the cathode (negative electrode)
3) Add buffer solution to the reservoirs at the sides of the gel box so that the surface of the gel becomes covered in the buffer solution.
How to carry out gel electrophoresis (DNA samples)
1) Fragmented DNA sample using a micropipette, add the same volume of loading dye (helps samples to sink to the bottom of the wells, so they are easier to see).
2) Add set volume (e.g. 10µl) of DNA sample to the first well. Really carefully- use the tip of the micropipette is in the buffer solution and just above the opening of the well. Not too far in as it will pierce the bottom.
3) Repeat for other DNA samples- clean micropipette tip each time.
4) Record DNA samples added to each well.
How is the electrophoresis carried out?
1) Put the lid on and connect leads to power supply
2)Turn on and set to required voltage. Causes an electrical current to pass through the gel
3) Current will separate the DNA fragments according to length
4) Run for 20 mins (or until the dye is about 2cm from the end of the gel) and then turn of the power supply
5) Remove the gel tray from the gel box and the tip off any excess buffer
6) Wearing gloves, stain the DNA fragments by covering the surface of the gel with a staining solution, then rinsing the gel with water. Bands of different DNA fragments will now be visible.
What is the structure of bacteria?
Single-celled prokaryotic, no nucleus, only a few micrometres. They have plasma membrane (cell membrane, may contain folds called mesosomes), cytoplasm, ribosome (produce proteins from mRNA), flagellum (tail- make the bacteria move), cell wall (support- made of glycoproteins made of murein, capsule (secreted slime, protect from attacks), Plasmids (small loops of DNA), bacterial chromosomes (DNA floats free in the cytoplasm), pili (hair-like structure, help bacteria stick together and can be used in gene transfer)
What is the structure of a virus?
Microorganism but they are not cells, just nucleic acid surrounded by protein. Smaller than bacteria. No plasma membrane, no cytoplasm, no ribosome. Contain core of nucleic acid that’s either DNA or RNA (HIV it’s RNA). Protein coat around the core is the called the plasmid. Some viruses have an extra outer layer (envelope), stolen from the cell membrane of a previous host cell. Attachment proteins stick out from the edge of the capsid/envelope- cling onto suitable host cell. Some viruses carry proteins inside their capsid, e.g. HIV carries an enzyme called reverse transcriptase.
How does pathogens cause infectious disease?
Pathogen is any organism that causes disease- infectious disease. Include some bacteria, fungi and viruses. Disease develops in an organism it causes a sequence of symptoms, which may lead to death.
What is HIV?
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
Why does HIV relpicate?
It replicates inside its Host’s T helper cells. It is spread through infected bodily fluids. Come into contact with mucosal surfaces or damaged tissue or injected in to the bloodstream. Common way through sexual intercourse. Cam only reproduce inside the cells. HIV replicates inside the T helper cells (doesn’t have enzymes or ribosomes to replicate on their own).
How does HIV replicate?
Attachment proteins attach to a receptor molecule on the cell membrane of the T helper cell. Capsid released into the cell, uncoats and releases genetic material into the cells cytoplasm. Reverse transcriptase is used to make a complementary strand of DNA from the viral RNA template. Double strand of DNA is made and inserted into the human DNA. Host cell enzymes are used to make viral proteins from the viral DNA found within the human DNA. The viral proteins are assembled into new viruses, which bud from the cell and go on to infect other cells.
How does HIV cause AIDS?
Leads to acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Immune system deteriorates and eventually fails. Classed as having AIDS when symptoms of their failing immune system start to appear or their T helper cell count drops. Opportunistic infection is when people with AIDS wouldn’t cause serious problem in people with a healthy immune system. Length of time between infection with HIV and the development of AIDS varies between individuals but without treatment around 10 years.
How does AIDS progress?
The initial symptoms of AIDS include minor infections of mucous membranes. Caused by a lower than normal number of T helper cells. Progresses as number of T helper cells decreases, more suspectable to serious infection. Late on, very low number of T helper cells and suffer from a range of serious infections (such as toxoplasmosis- parasite infection). Serious infection kills AIDS patients, not HIV itself.
What bacteria causes TB?
Bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis
How is TB caused?
Droplets containing bacteria inhaled. Taken up by white blood cells called phagocytes. Bacteria survive and replicates in phagocytes. Don’t develop TB straight away- seals off the infected phagocytes in structures in the lungs called tubercles. When sealed, bacteria becomes dormant, no obvious symptoms. Then becomes reactivated and overcome the immune system, more likely when weakened immune system
What the symptoms of TB?
Fever, general weakness, severe coughing cause by the inflammation of the lungs. Left untreated cause respiratory failure and death. Also spreads to other part of the body like the brain and kidneys, and would cause organ failure.
How does pathogens entre the body?
Cuts in skin, digestive system (eating contaminated food or drink), respiratory system (inhaled), mucosal surface (inside the nose, mouth, genitals)
What are the several barriers to prevent infection?
Stomach acid- pathogens killed by acidic conditions in the stomach. However, some may survive and pass into the intestines where they can invade the cell of the gut wall.
Skin- physical, blood clots.
Gut and skin flora- naturally covered in billions of harmless microorganisms (flora), compete with pathogens for nutrients and space.
Lysozymes- mucosal surfaces (eyes, nose, mouth) produce secretions containing enzymes. It kills bacteria by damaging cell wall- bacteria burst open.
How does foreign antigens trigger an immune response?
Antigens are molecules (proteins or polysaccharides) found on the surface of cells. When a pathogen invades the body, the antigens on its cell surface are recognised as foreign, which activates cells in the immune system. Two types of immune response: specific and non specific.
What happens in the inflammation stages of non specific response?
Recognise that there is a foreign antigen on the surface of a pathogen and release molecular that trigger inflammation. Molecule causes vasodilation (widening of blood vessels) around the site of infection, increasing blood flow. Molecules also increase permeability of the blood vessels. Increased blood flow brings loads of immune system cells to the site of infection and the increased permeability allows those cells to move out of the blood vessels and into the infected tissue. Start to destroy pathogens.
What is the stage of anti viral proteins of non specific response?
When cells are infected with viruses, they produce proteins called interferons and help prevent viruses spreading to uninfected cells. They prevent viral replication by inhibiting the production of viral proteins. They activate cells involved in the specific response to kill infected cells. They activate other mechanisms of the non-specific response, e.g. the promote inflammation.
What is the phagocytosis and lysozyme stage in the non specific response?
Phagocyte is a type of white blood cell and carries out phagocytosis (engulfing pathogens). Found in blood and tissue and are the first cells to respond to a pathogen. Phagocyte recognises the antigen as a pathogen, move around, engulfs it, pathogen is now contained in the phagocytic vacuole in the cytoplasm. A lysosome (organelle containing digestive enzymes, including lysosome) fuses with the phagocytic vacuole. Enzymes break down pathogen. Phagocytes present the pathogen’s antigens. It sticks the antigens on its surface to activate other immune system cells (also called antigen-presenting cell)
What does the specific immune response involve?
It is antigen-specific. Involves white blood cells called T and B cells
How does the phagocyte activate the T cells?
T cells are a type of white blood cell. Their surface is covered in receptors. The receptor binds to antigens displayed by antigen-presenting cells, such as macrophages. T cells have a different shape receptor on their surface. When the receptor on the surface of a T cell meets a complementary antigen, it binds to it- so each T cell will bind to a different antigen. This activates the T cell, divides, and clones itself.
What are the different types of T cells?
T helper cells- release substances to activate B cells, T killer cells and macrophages.
T killer cells- attach to antigens on the pathogen-infected cell to kill the cell.
T memory cell- divides into the correct type of T cell to kill the cell carrying the antigen.
How does a T helper cell activate B cells?
B cells are another type of white blood cell. They’re covered with proteins called antibodies, which bind to antigens to form an antigen-antibody complex. Each B cell has a different shape antibody on its surface. When the antibody on the surface of a B cell meets a complementary antigen, it binds to it- so each B cell will bind to a different antigen. Together with substances released from the T cell, activates the B cell. Activates B cell divides by mitosis into plasma cells (B effector cells) and B memory cells.
What are plasma cells?
They are clones of B cells (identical). Secrete loads of the antibodies, specific to an antigen, into the blood. Forms lots of antigen-antibody complexes.
What is the structure of the antigen-antibody complex?
Made of 4 polypeptide chains- two heavy and then two light. Variable region (forms the antigen binding site and complementary to a particular antigen, differ between antibodies), hinge region (allows flexibility when antibodies bind to the antigen), and a constant region (allows the binding of receptors on an immune system cells e.g. phagocyte. Same in all antibodies). Disulphide bridges (bonds) hold the polypeptide chains together.
What is agglutinating pathogens?
The antibody has two binding sites, the antibody can bind to two pathogens at the same time- pathogens become clumped together. Phagocyte then bond to the antibodies and phagocytose a lot of pathogens at once.
What is neutralising toxins?
Antibodies can bind to the toxins produced by pathogens. This prevents the toxins from affecting human cells, so the toxins are neutralised (inactivated). The toxin anti-body complexes are known as phagocytosed.
How is the pathogen prevented from binding to the human cells?
When antibodies bind to the antigens on the pathogens, they may block the cell surface receptors that the pathogens need to bind to the host cells. This means that the pathogen can’t attach to or infect the host cells.
How is the pathogen prevented from binding to the human cells?
When antibodies bind to the antigens on the pathogens, they may block the cell surface receptors that the pathogens need to bind to the host cells. This means that the pathogen can’t attach to or infect the host cells.
How can antibodies be membrane-bound or secreted?
They have two forms (membrane-bound or secreted). The two forms have slightly different heavy-chain proteins- membrane-bound antibodies have an extra section of the protein that anchors them to the B cell membrane. Secreted antibodies don’t need this. Both heavy-chain proteins are coded for by a single gene, which is copied into the mRNA for protein synthesis. Possible to create more than one protein from the heavy chain gene by modifying the mRNA before it is translated into a protein.
How can mRNA be modified before translation?
Introns (don’t code for amino acids). Exons do for amino acids. During transcription, the introns and exons are both copied by the mRNA- which contains both the pre mRNA. Introns are removed by a process called splicing. Exons joined forming the mRNA strand. Takes place in the nucleus and is a post-transcriptional change. Sometimes, certain exons are removed as well as introns to form a different mRNA strand (alternative splicing)This means more than one amino acid sequence and so more than one protein can be produced from one gene.
How does the production of memory cells give immunity?
Pathogens enter the body for the first time the antigens on the surface activate the immune system, The non-specific immune response is activated first, then the specific response. Together they make the primary response (slow, not many B cells). Eventually, the body will produce enough of the right antibody to overcome the infection, while the infected person will experience symptoms. Both T and B cells produce memory cells and remain in the body for a long time. T memory cells remember the specific antigen. Now immune as they can respond quickly. T memory cells divide into the correct type of T cells and B memory cells divide into plasma cells
What is active immunity?
Your immune system makes its own antibodies after being stimulated with an antigen. Two different types:
1) Natural- after catching the disease
2) Artificial- vaccine
What is passive immunity?
Given antibodies made by another organism- the immune system doesn’t produce any of its own. Two types:
1) Natural- baby becomes immune from antibodies it receives from its mother, through the placenta and breast milk
2) Immune after being injected with antibodies
How does a vaccine work?
Contains antigens that stimulate the primary immune system response against a particular pathogen, without the pathogen causing disease. This results in your body producing memory cells and means that you become immune without getting any symptoms of the disease.
How have pathogens evolved?
Over millions of years, vertebrates have evolved better and better immune systems- one that fights a greater variety of pathogens. Pathogens have evolved better and better ways to evade the immune systems of their hosts. Known as the evolutionary race between the pathogen and the host and try to overpower each other.
What is HIV’s evasion mechanism?
HIV kills immune system cells that it infects and reduces the overall number, reducing the chance of HIV being detected. High rate of mutation in the genes that code for antigen proteins. A mutation changes the structure of the antigens and this forms new strains of the virus (antigenic variation). The memory cells produced for one strain of HIV won’t recognise other strains produced by different antigens, the immune system has to produce a primary response against each new strain. HIV disrupts antigen presentation in infected cells. Prevents immune system cells from recognising and killing the infected cells.
What is TB’s (Mycobacterium tuberculosis’) evasion mechanism?
Infect the lungs they’re engulfed by phagocytes. They produce substances that prevent the lysosome from fusing with the phagocytic vacuole. Bacteria aren’t broken down and they can multiply undetected inside phagocytes. Also disrupts antigen presentation in infected cells, which prevents immune system cells from recognising and killing the infected cells.
How does HIV replicate?
- Following infection HIV enters the bloodstream and circulates around the body.
- A protein on the HIV readily binds to the protein called CD4. While this protein occurs on a number of different cells, HIV most frequently attaches to helper T cells.
- The protein capsid fuses with the cell-surface membrane. The RNA and enzymes of the HIV enter the helper T cell.
- The HIV reverse transcriptase converts the virus’s RNA to DNA.
- Newly made DNA is moved into the helper T nucleus where it is inserted into the cell’s DNA.
- The HIV DNA in the nucleus creates messenger RNA (mRNA) using the cell’s enzymes. This mRNA contains the instructions for making new viral proteins and the RNA to go into the new HIV.
- The mRNA passes out of the nucleus through the nuclear pore and uses the cell’s protein synthesis mechanisms (ribosomes) to make HIV particles.
- The HIV particles break away from the helper T cell with a piece of its cell the surface membrane surrounding them which forms the lipid envelope.
What is bactericidal antibiotics?
Kills bacteria
What are bacteriostatic antibiotics?
prevent bacteria from growing
How do antibiotics kill bacteria (bactericidal)?
Inhibits enzymes that are needed to break down chemical bonds in the bacterial cell wall. This prevents bacteria from growing properly. Leading to cell death as it weakens the cell wall and can’t take the pressure as water moves in by osmosis causing it to burst
How do antibiotics stop the growth of bacteria (bacteriostatic)?
Inhibit production by binding to bacterial ribosomes. All enzymes are proteins, so if the cell can’t make proteins, it can’t make enzymes. This means it can’t carry out important metabolic processes that are needed for growth and development.
Why don’t antibiotics harm mammalian cells (eukaryotic)?
They don’t have cell walls and have enzymes and ribosomes.
What is the practical for carrying out the effect of antibiotics on bacterial growth?
- Carry out the whole experiment using an aseptic technique.
- Flame the forceps and pick up a paper disc.
- Slightly lift the lid of the petri dish and place the paper disc onto the agar.
- Tape the dish with two pieces of sellotape (don’t tape all the way around to
avoid conditions becoming anoxic). - Wash your hands and disinfect the bench.
- Incubate for 24 hours at approximately 30 degrees.
- Measure the radius of the clear zone on the agar plate. Calculate the area
What are some aseptic techniques?
● Wipe down surfaces with antibacterial cleaner both before and after the experiment.
● Use a Bunsen burner in the workspace so that convection currents draw microbes away from the culture.
● Flame the wire hoop before using it to transfer bacteria.
● Flame the neck of any bottles before use to prevent any bacteria from entering the vessel (air moves out so unwanted organisms don’t move in).
● Keep all vessels containing bacteria open for the minimum amount of time.
● Close windows and doors to limit air currents.
What are hospital acquired infections (HAIs) and how are they transmitted?
Infections are caught while a patient is being treated in a hospital. Transmitted by poor hygiene like the staff and visitors not washing their hands before and after visiting the patient, coughs and sneezes not being contained e.g. in a tissue, equipment and surfaces not being disinfected after they are used.
What are the codes of practice the hospitals must follow?
- Hospital staff and visitors should be encouraged to wash their hands before and after visiting the patient
- Equipment and surfaces should be disinfected after they’re used
- People with HAIs should be moved to an isolation ward so they’re less likely to transmit the infection to other patients
How do some hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) caused by bacteria resistant to antibiotics?
HAIs are difficult to treat because antibiotics don’t get rid of infections and can lead to serious health problems or even death. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria are more common in hospitals because more antibiotics are used there and are more likely to have evolved resistance.
What are the codes of practices doctors have developed to prevent and control HAIs caused by resistant bacteria?
- Doctors shouldn’t prescribe antibiotics for minor bacterial infections or viral infections
- Doctors shouldn’t prescribe to prevent infections.
- Doctors should use narrow-spectrum antibiotics if possible, e.g. when the strain of bacteria the person has been infected with has been identified.
- Doctors should rotate the use of different antibiotics
- Patients should take all of the antibiotics that they’re prescribed so the infections are fully cleared.