Unit 6 Energy Resources and Consumption Flashcards
Exist in fixed amounts
Cannot be replaced on a human time scale
Can be replenished naturally, at or near the rate of consumption
three examples of renewable resources
solar energy
biomass energy
wind energy
geothermal energy
hydropower energy
three examples of nonrenewable resources
fossil fuel
natural gas
How do developed and developing countries compare when it comes to energy consumption? Why?
Developed Countries
Consume more energy
More affluent, so have more items that require energy
Use more fossil fuels due to cost and availability
Developing Countries
The countries currently use 30% of the planet’s energy, combined
Focus on subsistence energy
What type of country (developed or developing) uses more fossil fuels? Why?
As industrialization increases,
energy consumption increases.
Developed because they consume more energy from having more items that require energy. It is also our to cost and availability
Why is wood fuel commonly used in developing countries?
Biomass easily attainable in developing countries
environmental concerns with using wood as an energy source
Habitat fragmentation
Habitat loss
Soil erosion
Air pollution: PM, NOx, SOx, CO, VOCs, and dioxins
list the ranks of coal in order from highest to lowest
three air pollutants that are emitted during the burning of coal.
Hg, Pb, SO2, NOx, PM, heavy metals
What is released when natural gas is burned (thus making it the “cleanest” fossil fuel)?
CO2 and water vapor
How is Coal Power Generated?
Coal burned, water boils, steam spins turbines, generators release electrons, creates electricity
Environmental Problems?
Industrial Smog
Acid Rain
CO2 causes global warming
Human Health Problems
Air pollution 🡪 Resp. Probs. Such as Asthma
Mercury in Tuna
Mining-Black Lung
what country contains the largest amount of the energy source. COAL
US, second China
Environmental Problems
natural gas
Pipelines can explode
Some carbon dioxide
Fracking contaminates aquifers
CO2 and air pollution
Human Health Problems
nat. gas
Toxic gas
what country contains the largest amount of the energy source. CRUDE OIL
what country contains the largest amount of the energy source. Natural gas
what country contains the largest amount of the energy source. Uranium 235
what country contains the largest amount of the energy source. GEOTHERMAL
USA, Iceland
Describe how fossil fuels are ignited and converted into electricity.
- Burned in power station (Chemical->heat)
- Heat boil water (heat->kinetic)
- Steam turns blades of turbine (kinetic)
- Turbine powers generator (Kinetic -> electricity)
How do wind, geothermal, and hydroelectric operate?
geo ⪢ Heat comes from the natural
radioactive decay of elements
deep within Earth
Wind - wind spins blades to turn turbine and generate electricity
hydroe - water flows through pipe spins turbine and make electricity
Fracking is short for ______________ ______________ and it is a concern because…
Hydraulic fracking
groundwater contamination, and seismic activity (earthquake)
How does fracking pollute the groundwater?
fracking fluid is forced underground using high pressure
Toxic chemicals go into bedrock and seep into water aquifers and contaminates it
State where Chernobyl is located and explain what happened there.
Ukraine. nuclear power plant in Ukraine was the product of a flawed Soviet reactor design coupled with serious mistakes made by the plant operators
Explain what happened at Three Mile Island, and why it is significant.
Pennsylvania. A pressure valve in. nuclear power industry failed to close and contaminated water with radiation and radioactive gases.
Explain how thermal pollution is produced by power plants.
Water used as a coolant and returned to the
environment at a higher temperature
○ However, only water vapor released from
cooling tower
▪ Environmental Problems Nuclear
▪ Accidents
▪ Disposal of spent fuel rods
▪ Thermal Pollution
does nuclear produce emission
Compare passive and active solar energy.
Passive: Does not require technology, South facing walls, dark roofs, solar ovens
Active: Uses the sun’s energy with
additional technology, no emissions, expensive
______ is the active element in most photovoltaic cells. How do PV cells work?
generate electricity by absorbing sunlight and using that light energy to create an electrical current.
Compare off grid to on grid solar systems.
On-grid system is one in which the solar power system is connected to the utility’s power grid while being off-grid means the system works independently and the consumer is not connected to the utility’s power system.
How is geothermal energy generated?
Heat comes from the natural
radioactive decay of elements
deep within Earth
○ Convection currents bring
magma towards the crust,
heats underground
Describe the basic components of a fuel cell
- anode and + cathode
What are the limitations of fuel cells
○ Difficult to obtain H without using large
amounts of energy
○ Needs a distribution network setup
○ Vehicles in danger of fire and explosions
What are the advantages of using fuel cells
○ 70% efficient
○ No emissions
How does a wind turbine work
Wind turns the propeller-like blades of a turbine around a rotor, which spins a generator, which creates electricity.
What are the limitations of wind turbine
expensive batteries for storage, bird/bat
collisions, noise/aesthetic issues
What are the advantages of using wind turbine
nondepletable, free and clean; farms land
can be multi-purpose