unit 6 Flashcards
Referral/screening Indirect assessment Descriptive assessment Preference assessment Functional analysis
5 activities to complete prior to the BIP
Indicate client & caregiver bx change
Based on functional assessment
Conceptually systematic
Fits with values, resources, & skills
Includes SR+ & least intrusive procedures
5 necessary features of a behavior plan
Staff/caregiver issues
Funding/administrative support
Time & availability of BCBA
3 considerations to evaluate prior to BIP
Determine if procedures are effective &
realistic in natural environment
Use of probes in the BIP
2 types of behavior intervention plans
For the clinical record, described in
conceptual terms, linked to outcome
Formal behavior plan
Brief guide for caregivers/staff, written to
avoid jargon, & functions as task analysis
Step-by-step Intervention
Client name, birth, date of plan,
name/credential of BIP creator, current
status of plan
Basic Information listed on BIP
Describes the broad goal of services & why
the individual needs them
Rationale for BIP
Statements about lifestyle changes to
enhance an individual’s quality of life
Family profile Living situation Educational/job status Preferred/non-preferred activities/foods Special skills Functional deficits Social relationships Other professional services received
Consumer profile in the BIP
Important medical issues that may/may not
be related to issues in BIP
Diagnostic and medical information in the
List of prescribed medications that could
affect bx
Medication in the BIP
Medications used for behavioral purposes
Psychotropic medication
Medication’s indirect effect on behavior
Secondary effect
Medication’s direct effect on behavior
Side effect
Descriptive assessment tool used Who was interviewed # of observations made Time period of assessment Pattern and sequence analysis
Functional assessment information in the
List of reduction target bx’s & their
operational definitions
Problem behavior in the BIP
Predicts the onset of the target bx for
Only includes the bx in the operational
Response definitions
Includes both antecedents and the bx in the
operational definition
Functional response definitions
Identifies potential reinforcers to assist with
interventions based on SR+
Preference assessment in the BIP
Bx taught to displace problem bx & help the
individual meet a functional need
Replacement behavior
For every behavior targeted for reduction,
appropriate bx is targeted for increase
“Fair Pair”
Antecedent-based interventions
Consequence-based interventions
Teaching strategies/protocols
3 main elements of a formal BIP
Procedures to prevent occurrences of
problem bx
Antecedent-based interventions
Procedures to decrease problem bx over
Consequence-based interventions
Procedures to teach alternative responses &
other skills
Teaching strategies/protocols
Where the BIP will be in effect (home,
school, work, etc.)
Target environments in the BIP
Numerically quantifies bx for tracking and
evaluation over time
Response measures in the BIP
Based on environmental assessment, target
bx characteristics & available resources
Selection of response measures
Dimensional quantities
Dimensionless quantities
2 main types of response measures
Who will collect data
What type of data will be collected
When collection periods will occur
How long data collection periods will last
Data collection of response measures in BIP
Gives precise instructions on data collection
Data collection in the step-by-step BIP
Outlines data processes by identifying how &
to whom the data will be reported
Data collection in the formal BIP
Assesses treatment integrity of procedures
written in the BIP
Reliability checks
Ensures consistency when implementing the
behavior plan
Training plan in BIP
Includes who, what, and where to train,
length of training & type of competency
Characteristics of the BIP training plan
Individual demonstrates mastery in
demonstrating various skills during training
Competency-Based training
Who will monitor and for how long, what tool
to use, & how feedback is delivered
Characteristics of BIP monitoring plan
Procedures to obtain generalization of the
broad behavior plan results
Generalization in the BIP
Indicates consent & authorization for
implementing the plan
Signatures and consent to BIP
Helps caregivers recall target bxs,
definitions, program components, etc.
Data sheets linked in the BIP
Consumers give explicit written permission of
all BIP components
Additional approval required from those with
direct legal responsibility for consumer safety
Prior administrative approval
Interventions which restrict an individual’s
rights in some way
Restrictive procedures
Supportive/protective devices
Contingently applied restraints
Emergency procedures
3 types of restraints
Occurs before implementation Ongoing Competency-based Provide opportunity for feedback Supervisor-involvement in live setting
5 characteristics of BIP training
Meetings with caregiver to discuss program
progress & challenges
Program Meetings
Regularly occurring
Scheduled in advance
A safe place to discuss ideas & failures
Document decisions in writing
4 key elements for program meeting
Behavior analysts who review BIPs in their
local area
Peer review
Peer Review Committee Human Rights Treatment Committee Advocacy groups State identified oversight boards Legal counsel (in rare cases) IRBs and HRCs (research oversight)
6 groups providing BIP oversight
Generalize BIP and transfer control to
natural environment
Fading out behavior plans
End services once the identified quantified
objectives in the BIP are reached
Terminate the case
Maintain case files for (destroy after a period
of) 7 years
Timeline for destruction/storage of plan