Unit 6 Flashcards
reddō / reddere / reddidī / redditus
give back / render
trādō / trādere / trādidī / trāditus
give over / hand down / betray
fugō / fugāre / fugāvī / fugātus
put to flight / chase away
dēleō / dēlēre / dēlēvī / dēlētus
destroy / wipe out
habeō / habēre / habuī / habitus
have / hold; consider
misceō / miscēre / miscuī / mixtus
mix / mingle
moneō / monēre / monuī / monitus
warn / advise / teach
agō / agere / ēgī / āctus
do / drive / conduct
grātiās agere
give thanks (to) / thank (+ dat.)
bibō / bibere / bibī / bibitus
crēdō / crēdere / crēdidī / crēditus
believe (in) / trust (in)
dūcō / dūcere / dūxī / ductus
ēdūcō / ēdūcere / ēdūxī / ēductus
lead out
indūcō / indūcere / indūxī / inductus
lead into / bring into
perdūcō / perdūcere / perdūxī / perductus
lead through / bring to
sēdūcō / sēdūcere / sēdūxī / sēductus
jungō / jungere / jūnxī / jūnctus
join / unite
conjungō / conjungere / conjūnxī / conjūnctus
join / unite
capiō / capere / cēpī / captus
take / receive / understand
accipiō / accipere / accēpī / acceptus
take / get / receive
recipiō / recipere / recēpī / receptus
take back / regain
faciō / facere / fēcī / factus
do / make
afficiō / afficere / affēcī / affectus
dēficiō / dēficere / dēfēcī / dēfectus
fail / waste / vanish
efficiō / efficere / effēcī / effectus
make / effect
audiō / audīre / audīvī (audiī) / audītus
exaudiō / exaudīre / exaudīvī (exaudiī) / exaudītus
hear (favorably)
veniō / venīre / vēnī / ventus
adveniō / advenīre / advēnī / adventus
come / arrive
conveniō / convenīre / convēnī / conventus
come together / be fitting
inveniō / invenīre / invēnī / inventus
come upon / find
Hebraeus / Hebraeī / m.
nātus / nātī / m.
son / child
domus / domī / f.
home / house
exemplum / exemplī / n.
templum / templī / n.
temple / church
Aegyptius / -am –um
Chrīstiānus / -a / -um
ēlēctus / -a / um
chosen / elect
(adv.) so far / till now / still
(coord. conj.) or
aut … aut
either … or
(enclitic interrog. particle) used in sentence questions
(interrog. adv.) for what reason / why?
give back / render
reddō / reddere / reddidī / redditus
give over / hand down / betray
trādō / trādere / trādidī / trāditus
put to flight / chase away
fugō / fugāre / fugāvī / fugātus
destroy / wipe out
dēleō / dēlēre / dēlēvī / dēlētus
have / hold; consider
habeō / habēre / habuī / habitus
mix / mingle
misceō / miscēre / miscuī / mixtus
warn / advise / teach
moneō / monēre / monuī / monitus
do / drive / conduct
agō / agere / ēgī / āctus
give thanks (to) / thank (+ dat.)
grātiās agere
bibō / bibere / bibī / bibitus
believe (in) / trust (in)
crēdō / crēdere / crēdidī / crēditus
dūcō / dūcere / dūxī / ductus
lead out
ēdūcō / ēdūcere / ēdūxī / ēductus
lead into / bring into
indūcō / indūcere / indūxī / inductus
lead through / bring to
perdūcō / perdūcere / perdūxī / perductus
sēdūcō / sēdūcere / sēdūxī / sēductus
join / unite
jungō / jungere / jūnxī / jūnctus
join / unite
conjungō / conjungere / conjūnxī / conjūnctus
take / receive / understand
capiō / capere / cēpī / captus
take / get / receive
accipiō / accipere / accēpī / acceptus
take back / regain
recipiō / recipere / recēpī / receptus
do / make
faciō / facere / fēcī / factus
afficiō / afficere / affēcī / affectus
fail / waste / vanish
dēficiō / dēficere / dēfēcī / dēfectus
make / effect
efficiō / efficere / effēcī / effectus
audiō / audīre / audīvī (audiī) / audītus
hear (favorably)
exaudiō / exaudīre / exaudīvī (exaudiī) / exaudītus
veniō / venīre / vēnī / ventus
come / arrive
adveniō / advenīre / advēnī / adventus
come together / be fitting
conveniō / convenīre / convēnī / conventus
come upon / find
inveniō / invenīre / invēnī / inventus
Hebraeus / Hebraeī / m.
son / child
nātus / nātī / m.
home / house
domus / domī / f.
exemplum / exemplī / n.
temple / church
templum / templī / n.
Aegyptius / -am –um
Chrīstiānus / -a / -um
chosen / elect
ēlēctus / -a / um
(adv.) so far / till now / still
(coord. conj.) or
either … or
aut … aut
(enclitic interrog. particle) used in sentence questions
(interrog. adv.) for what reason / why?
Present Indicative Active: Second Conjugation
first-person singular: moneō (‘I warn’)
second-person singular: monēs (‘you warn’)
third-person singular: monet (‘he/she/it warn’)
first-person plural: monēmus (‘we warn’)
second-person plural: monētis (‘you warn’)
third-person plural: monent (‘they warn’)
Present Indicative Active:
Third Conjugation -ō type
first-person singular: dūcō (‘I lead’)
second-person singular: dūcis (‘you lead’)
third-person singular: dūcit (‘he/she/it leads’)
first-person plural: dūcimus (‘we lead’)
second-person plural: dūcitis (‘you lead’)
third-person plural: dūcunt (‘they lead’)
Present Indicative Active:
Third Conjugation -iō type
first-person singular: capiō (‘I take’)
second-person singular: capis (‘you take’)
third-person singular: capit (‘he/she/it takes’)
first-person plural: capimus (‘we take’)
second-person plural: capitis (‘you take’)
third-person plural: capiunt (‘they take’)
Present Indicative Active: Fourth Conjugation
first-person singular: audiō (‘I hear’)
second-person singular: audīs (‘you hear’)
third-person singular: audit (‘he/she/it hears’)
first-person plural: audīmus (‘we hear’)
second-person plural: audītis (‘you hear’)
third-person plural: audiunt (‘they hear’)
Direct Questions
A direct statement may be converted into a direct question by attaching the enclitic particle -ne to the first word. But more often context alone determines when a statement is to be construed as a question.
Vocatne Petrus discipulum?
‘Is Peter calling the disciple?’
Angelī in caelīs Deum collaudant?
‘Do the angels in heaven together praise God?’
Far more frequently a question is introducted by an interrogative word, such as the adverbs ubi ‘where?’ and quārē ‘for what reason? why?’
Quārē Dominum nōn laudant?
‘Why do they not praise the Lord?’
Ablative of Means
The ablative case of an inanimate noun may be used to express the means by which the action of a sentence is accomplished. Occassionally, the Latin of the Vulgate uses the preposition in with this construction.
Dominum psalmīs laudāmus.
‘We praise the Lord with (by means of) psalms.’
Jūstī in gladiō rēgnant?
‘Do righteous men rule by (by means of) the sword?’
Ablative of Manner
The albative case of an abstract noun may be used to express the manner or style in which the action of a sentence is carried out. The preoposition cum is always used if the noun is not modified by an adjective; the preposition may be omitted if the noun is modified.
Dominum cum gaudiō laudāmus.
‘We praise the Lord with joy (joyfully).’
Dominum magnō (cum) gaudiō laudāmus.
‘With great joy we praise the Lord.’
[Note the adjective often begins the phrase: magnō cum gaudiō]