Unit 6 Flashcards
נמכרין בעבד עברי
“They are sold as a Hebrew slave” - If a Jewish man steals from his fellow and can’t pay him back then he is sold as a Jewish slave
אין משלמין ע״פ עצמן
“They pay based on their own confession” - Group A are found to be plotters in a certain Beit Din but before the verdict is made they flee, but they later feel guilty and confess to another beit din, they don’t get punished
“Ransom” - If a person owns an on that has gored more than once and this on kills someone then the owner deserves a death in heaven
כופרה כפרה
“Kore is an Atonement” - One way of understanding is that the ‘ransom’ comes to atone
כופרה ממונה
“Kofer is a Moatary Payment” - The other way of understanding ‘ransom’ is that it’s to cover the cost of life
ונתן פדיון נפשו
“And he gives the payment and it is according to his soul” - Self explanatory
נאמר השתה למתה ונאמר השתה למעלה
“It says יושת above and it says יושת below” - Previously we learnt that the word יושת is used regarding a man who hits a pregnant woman causing her to miscarry, the defender must pay the value of the fetas. From this case we can interpret what יושת means
ונמכר בגנבות
“He is sold for his Thieving” - This is part of a passuk that talks about a thieves compensation for his crime
He holds
דכולי עלמה
The whole world agrees
רבי עקיבא
Status: Tannah
Location: Israel
רב חסדא
Status: Amorah
Location: Bavel
ר׳ ישמעאל בנו של ר׳ יוחנן בן ברוקה
Status: Tannah
Location: Israel
רב פפא
Status: Amorah
Location: Bavel