Unit 4 Flashcards
הוא ינוס אל אחת הערים האלה וחי
“He shall flee to one of these cities and live” - This passuk is talking about someone who killed recklessly (manslaughter) and then, states the law, that he must flee to an Ir Miklat
הוא שעשה מעשה במזיד אינו גולה
“He who does an action intentionaly does not go to exile”- Any person who murders with intent is not send to exile or even given the death penalty as they weren’t warned.
והיא נותנת
“And it gives” - This is a form of rebutting a Kal Vachomer by using their very argument against them.
“Atonement” - The punishment is used as a form of rehabilitation and rectification of the soul
כי היכי
Just like
ריש לקיש
Status: Amorah
Location: Israel
רב יוחנן
Status: Amorah
Location: Israel
Doesn’t speaking count as an action? b/c moving your lips is an action. Therefore shouldn’t they get the same punishment is someone who kills actively, thereby denying your Kal Vachomer?
- Speaking isn’t a complete action like killing is.
2. Edim could give testimony without speaking but only grunting with consent, which could still count as testimony.
What is the context in which עקימת פיו הוה מעשה is originally debated?
If you muzzle an animal or draw two species together using a voice, are you liable for lashes, which are normally given for transgression involving an action?
a) רבי יוחנן: You get lashes because moving mouth is an action.
b) ריש לקיש: Don’t get lashes b/c sound is not an action.
How does this further strengthen the Rita’s question?
רבי יוחנן himself says that moving one’s mouth is an action! Then how could he write in our Gemara that E”Z are not considered “active” when they use their mouth.