Unit 1 Flashcards
עדים זוממין
“Plotting Witnesses” - Group A comes and testifies about a certain event happening at a certain place and then Group B come and ask ‘How could you testify about that? You were with us at that time’
בן גרושה
“Son Of A Divorcee” - A Cohen marries a woman who has been divorced and the son of them is a חלל or בן גרושה
בן חלוצה
“Son Of A Woman Who Has Been Through חליצה” - If a woman’s husband dies and they have no kids then she is supposed to marry his brother but if they don’t want to get married then she can go through a process called חליצה and if a Cohen marries a woman who’s been through this the son is a חלל
מלקות ארבעים
“40 lashes” - The punishment the Beit Din give if no specific punishment is specified in the Torah (also it’s actually on 39 or as many as the person can handle)
“Exile” - A city of refuge you run to if you commit manslaughter.
So and so
תנא קמא
Status: Tanna
Location: Israel
Ritvah: How do we know it says they review 40 when they only receive 39?
The Torah says explicitly that they should get 40
Ritvah: How can the case in the Mishnah be about AZ if a date, time and place aren’t mentioned?
Ritvah: Because it’s obvious that 1. Someone came in and proved that they wee plotters and 2. They were obviously there at the divorce or the Chalutzah
Meiri: The witnesses heard from the father that it’s his son who is a חלל