unit 6 Flashcards
causes of rising cost
- high prices charged
- high administrative costs (maintaining buildings and personal salaries)
- defensive medicine
- cost of technological advances
- specialist overuse
- waste and fraud
- high price of drugs comparatively
future causes of rising healthcare cost
- growth of aging population
-declined health in youth
-decrease in healthy lifestyles
non-profit healthcare institutions
- healthcare for all
- operate as charities
- exempt from most tax
- pays SS and Medicare taxes
proprietary (for profit) healthcare institutions
- same manner as for profit businesses
-pay local, state, and federal taxes
ex: community health systems, community Corp of America, tenet healthcare
governmental healthcare institutions
-same manner as for profit businesses
-pays local, state and federal taxes
ex: Austin state hospital, Texas health resources
Baylor medical system
historically paid for healthcare with
cash, vegetables, meat, firewood
fee for service plan
-patient pays premiums
-physician determines actions taken
-insurance pays for services
**not cost effective
direct pay payment methods
-pt. pays for costs out of pocket
-may use services more carefully
-catastrophic when costs exceed pt. ability to pay
private insurance payment method
-individual/employer purchases insurance
-employee usually pays some costs
-many plans have varying coverage
government plans payment methods
funded by govt. agency
-healthcare for military personnel and their families
-veterans administration hospital system
-20% of US healthcare spending
-reg and partly govt funded
-coverage by private managed care plans in contract with state
-large portion of nursing home expenses
medicaid eligibility
-low income
-children and their parents
-pregnant women
-disabled people
-elderly people needing things not covered by medicare
income included in Medicaid for one
income included in Medicaid for two
income included in Medicaid for three
income included in Medicaid for four
-established 1965
-part of social security administration
-health insurance for people 65+
-charged monthly premium, deductible, and coinsurance
Medicare coverage, A, B, C & D
Part A: hospitalization
Part B: Outpatient services
Part C: Medicare advantage plans
Part D: prescription drugs
veterans health administration
-largest integrated U.S. healthcare system
-all vets meeting criteria (including service-related disability) entitled to VA healthcare
what is managed care?
organizations negotiate with providers to form networks
goals of managed care
-affordable healthcare
-high quality healthcare
-discourage unnecessary costs
-eliminate procedure duplication
-earn profit
-must stay in network
-must have PCP
-must have referral to see specialist
-out of pocket expenses set (low copay)
-must submit requests for special care
-not required to stay in network
-PCP not required
-no referral necessary
-more expensive
-more provider choice
-can visit providers outside of preferred list (more expensive)
-exclusive provider network
-HMO/PPO hybrid
-only in network services/ hospitals covered EXCEPT in emergency
-no referral needed to see specialist
-employers can tailor to employee needs
-point of service plan
-HMO/PPO hybrid
-PCP required
-referral required for specialist
-Out of network allowed for increased cost
-10% of Americans have this coverage
employer provided health insurance requirements
-continuous emplyment
-at least 20 hrs per week
-waiting period before eligibiity
-pre-existing conditions may be denied
monthly payed for health insurance
set amount payed for services/perscriptions
minimum out of pocket cost for healthcare before insurance starts paying for it
higher the deductible, cheaper the _______
percentage of healthcare payed out of pocket after coinsurance is met
medicare patient coinsurance
what Medicare/insurance pays healthcare provider
managed care cost containment methods
PCP and review of services
primary care provider
-control mechanism
-adds time and expense to receiving care
-consistent care
review of services
-sees which costs will be covered
-requires preauthorization
year and nicknames for affordable care act
2010, ACA or obamacare
purpose of ACA
easier access to healthcare, more affordable for everyone
ACA benefits
-can’t deny preexisting conditions
-businesses with less than 50 employees receive 50% tax credits to provide insurance
-everyone must buy health insurance
-insurer can’t cancel coverage when someone gets ill
-better senior and disabled drug coverage
-can stay on parents healthcare until 27
-websites made accessing ACA coverage easier
since 2010, at least ________ more Americans have health insurance
20 million
numbers assigned to diseases and conditions
international classification of diseases (ICD-10 codes)
used to document and report all kinds of service
current procedural terminology (CPT code)