Unit 6 Flashcards
Heart Function
Delivery of O2, fuel, and nutrients to the tissues of the body
Removal of CO2 and waste products from the tissues
Maintenance of a constant body temperature (thermoregulation)
Prevention of infection (immune function)
Pumps blood to the body
Right Heart
pumps deoxygenated blood (darker red and often depicted as blue) from the body to the lungs (pulmonary circulation)
Left Heart
delivers oxygenated blood (bright red) from the lungs to the rest of the body (systemic circulation)
Lung Functions
Supply O2 to blood
Remove CO2 from blood
Regulate blood pH (acid-base balance)
Pathway of blood through the heart
Superior and Inferior Vena Cava, Right atrium, Tricuspid Valve,
Right ventricle, Pulmonary Semilunar Valve, Pulmonary Artery, Lungs,
Pulmonary viens, Left Atrium, Bicuspid valve, Left ventricle,
Aortic Semilunar Valve, Aorta,
Arteries, Arteriols, Capillares,
Venules, Veins,
Pathway of electrical signals through the heart
It starters in the SA node. Which is also the pacemaker. If it breaks down then the AV node takes over. The AV node connects the electrical pathways between the atria and the ventricles. The bundle of HIS Transmits the electrical current from the AV node to the Bundle. The perkinji fibers which is what makes the muscle contract.
Pathway of oxygen entering the body
Nose and Mouth, Pharynx, Epiglottis
Larynx, Trachea, Primary Bronchi,
Secondary and Tertiary Bronchi,
Respitory Brochi, Alveolar Ducts,
Alveoli, Blood Tissues
The cardiovascular system is composed of?
the heart, Blood vessels, and blood
Deoxygenated blood
pumped from the body to the lungs in pulmonary circulation
T or F cells of the cardiac muscle are interconnected and allow the passage of electrical signals
Blood is supplied to the heart through?
Right and Left coronary artery
Cardiac Cycle
a series of events that occur through one heartbeat
the pressure observed in the arteries during the relaxation of the heart
circulatory system
The network of vessels that transport fluid throughout the body
skeletal-muscle pump
the phenomenon where, with each contraction of a skeletal muscle, blood is pushed back to the heart
heart rate
The number of times the heart contracts in one minute
A decrease in heart rate at rest and during sub-maximal exercise
The conducting zone
compromises all of the structures that convey air outside the body to the lungs
The respiratory zone is composed of
alveolar sacs, the Bronchioles, and the alveolar ducts
Separates chest cavity from abdominal cavity
Tidal lung volumes are determined by
the actual structure of the lung
Gas exchange is mediated by both
lung and blood tissue
Henrys law
The amount of gas that will dissolve into a liquid is proportional to the parietal pressure and the solubility of the gas
How is blood Ph measured
how acidic or basic blood is
a-vo2 difference
refers to the difference b/w the amount of O2 in arteries and veins
Oxygen deficet
represents the difference b/w the O2 required to perform a task and that O2 consumed prior to reaching a new steady state
Lisy 5 ways the Cardiovascular and Respiratory systems adapt/change due to endurance training.
Lower overall heart rate, Increased heart and blood volume, Stroke volume at rest, Taking less breaths, The body is able to use oxygen more efficiently
Oxygenated Blood
from lungs to heart, red in colour
Sinoatrial Node (SA Node)
Bundle of HIS
Atrioventricular bundle
measurement of electrical activity in the heart
vessels of one cell thickness
Coranory viens are formed from
formed by coronary venules
red blood cells
Protein that binds O2 and CO2
white blood cells
elevated blood pressure
Whatis internal respiration
exchange of gases at the tissue level
inspiration and expiration
Tidal Volume
Volume of air in each breath
stem respiratory control center
located in the brain
whatareDynamic lung volumes dependant on
dependant on the volume and flow of air
Vo2 max
maximal rate of oxygen consuption
respiratory exchange ratio
ratio b/w expiration of CO2 and inspiration of O2
Ventilator threashold
ventilation increases much more than the workload
recovery oxygen uptake,
Explain the pathway of Electrical Conduction System of the heart
It starters in the SA node. Which is also the pacemaker. If it breaks down then the AV node takes over. The AV node connects the electrical pathways between the atria and the ventricles. The bundle of HIS Transmits the electrical current from the AV node to the Bundle. The perkinji fibers which is what makes the muscle contract.
Compare and Contrast Arteries and Viens
Both carry blood in the body. Arteries are thick-walled vessels that carry oxygenated blood away from the heart. Viens are thin-walled vessels that carry deoxygenated blood towards the heart.
Bradycardia vs Tachycardia
Both are heart rates. Bradycardia is when the heart rate is decreased at rest and during sub-maximal exercise. Tachycardia is when the heart rate is over 100 beats per minute at rest
Systolic vs Diastolic Pressure
Both are types of blood pressure. Systolic is the maximal pressure in the arteries during the contraction phase of the left ventricle. Diastolic is the minimal pressure in the arteries during the relaxation phase of the left ventricle.
External vs Internal Respiration
Both are involved in gas exchange. Internal respiration is gas exchange between the tissues in the body. External respiration is the gas exchange between the tissues in the lungs.
measured using a cuff on your arm
prevent backflow of blood in the heart and veins
Purkinje Fibers
Responsible for contraction of the ventricles
Measures the electrical activity in the heart
Makes up 55% of blood volume
With training can be delayed in individual
Tidal Volume
amount of air in each breath
ventilation equation
The amount of air in each breath x the # of breaths per minute
a-vo2 difference
The change in the amount of O2 in the Arteriole and Venule/arteries and veins
The smallest vessels in the cardiovascular system responsible for the exchange of gases are
what remains unaffected with respect to blood distribution during exercise
digestive system
The lung capillaries receive _____ blood from the Pulmonary Arteries
Cardiac output is equal to (equation)
Heart rate x Stroke Volume
where is the bicuspid valve located
left atrium and left ventricle
The part of the Red Blood Cells that helps in the transport of O2 and CO2 is the
What structure prevents the cuspid valves from being forced back into the atria
Cordae Tendonae
what blood vessels drains the legs and lower body
Inferior vena cava
hoe is CO2 transported in the blood
Bound to the hemoglobin molecule to form carbominohemoglobin
The difference between oxygen required to do a task and Oxygen actually consumed
O2 deficit
Where does gas exchange occur
What carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs
pulmonary artery
WHats the largest artery
Oxygen deficit acronym
Excess Postexercise Oxygen Consumption
Lactic Acid Acronym
Onset Blood Lactate Accumulation
How is carbon dioxide transported in the blood?
Bicarbonate System