Unit 2 Long Bone Kinesiology Flashcards
Is the shaft or long main portion of the bone. Consists of a thick cylinder of “compact bone”, enclosing a large central cavity called the medullary or marrow cavity.
The expanded ends of the bone. Epiphyses articulate with other bones to form joints. Made up of spongy bone.
Proximal Epiphysis
Is the end of bone close to the central axis of the body. (proximal to point of attchement ex. humerson/shoulder joint)
Distal Epiphysis
end of the bone furthest from the body’s central axis (E.g. Humerus – the distal epiphysis would be the end of the bone closest to the elbow joint)
Is the region where the diaphysis joins the epiphysis.
Is the site of the epiphyseal plate.
Metaphysis exists at both ends of the bone.
Epiphyseal Plate/Cartilage
Is a layer of hyaline cartilage where the diaphysis lengthens during the development of the long bone. In adults, when skeletal growth has been completed, the epiphyseal cartilage is replaced by bone.
Articular Cartilage
at the end of the bone. Absorbs shock at the joint and reduces the friction where bones come together to form the joint.
Cartilage does not have a blood supply or nerve endings.
True or False… Cartilage does not have a blood supply or nerve endings?
Is a membranous layer that surrounds the diaphysis only and does not unite with the articulating cartilage. (outer layer)
The 2 layers of Periosteum
- Outer Fibrous Layer: Contains dense connective tissue with blood vessels, nerves and lymph vessels.
- Inner Fibrous Layer: Is the osteogenic layer (bone forming), containing blood vessels and bone cells. It is the main center for bone growth and development.
Sharpey’s fibers
a set of connective tissue fibers Periosteum in bound to the bone by.
Nutrient Arteries
Enter the periosteum bringing proteins, minerals, carbohydrates and other essential materials for bone growth.
Compact Bone
Tightly packed tissue of the diaphysis wall is compact bone. This bone resists bending and is solid and strong.
Spongy Bone
Found in the epiphysis and contains trabeculae that contain red and yellow marrow.
Medullary Cavity
Is the central marrow city found within the diaphysis or shaft of the long bone.
Bone Marrow
Spongy substance in the bone
Membrane lining the medullary cavity.
Contains cells involved in bone development and breakdown.
the removal of calcium salts within a tissue.
embryonic/fetal connective tissue
Process of bone formation