Unit 5: What Has Value?—Vocabulary Flashcards
Beggar Definition
to go beyond the limits or definition of
Depreciate Definition
belittle; reduce the value of
Imputation Definition
implication, especially of something negative
Instigates Definition
advises and encourages
Longitudinal Definition
straight, usually vertical
Meretricious Definition
showy in a vulgar way
Parsimony Definition
Patent Definition
Predominating Definition
leading in number or strength
Sterling Definition
of the highest quality
Dasher Definition
the tool used to agitate the milk in a churn
Furtive Definition
sneaky; cautious and secretive
Hangdog Definition
downcast; oppressed
Lye Definition
harsh liquid used in making soap
Organdy Definition
crisp, transparent material made of cotton or silk
Improvisations Definition
unplanned, spontaneous effects
Postbellum Definition
“after war,” term usually referring to the period following the Civil War
Vernacular Art Definition
art made by people who do not regard themselves as artists and who have no formal art training
Amphoras Definition
ceramic vases with handles and a narrow neck
Adulation Definition
excessive admiration or praise
Aghast Definition
full of horror and shock
Askew Definition
not in a straight or level position
Compromised Definition
weakened or exposed to disrepute or danger
Despairingly Definition
without hope
Disconsolate Definition
unhappy; offering no comfort
Exorbitant Definition
unreasonably high
Gamut Definition
the complete range or scope
Pauper Definition
very poor person
Predicament Definition
a difficult, embarrassing, or unpleasant situation
Privations Definition
losses of qualities normal to one’s well–being
Prospects Definition
chances for success or wealth
Ruinous Definition
disastrous; destructive
Vexation Definition
being annoyed, worried, or frustrated
Arroyo Definition
a deep gully or gulch that has been cut by a stream
Cassock Definition
a black or brown ankle–length robe often worn by priests
Cloister Definition
a residence that is also a place of seclusion
Pueblo Definition
once a village made of adobe and rock; now any village inhabited by people who once lived in pueblos
Amorphous Definition
without shape
Chary Definition
sparing; not generous
Futile Definition
Illusion Definition
illusory; an illusion
Impotent Definition
helpless; lacking power or ability
Inciting Definition
Incongruence Definition
the putting together of things that normally don’t fit together
Nostalgia Definition
a longing for a past that seems, in memory, very desirable
Ostensibly Definition
officially; supposedly; in appearance
Pallet Definition
a straw–filled mattress, usually placed on the floor
Retribution Definition
just punishment
Reverie Definition
waking dream
Shantytown Definition
a slum neighborhood of shanties, or rundown shacks
Skein Definition
a coil of yarn
Squalor Definition
poor and grubby condition
Stoicism Definition
indifference to pleasure or pain
Verve Definition
liveliness; enthusiasm
Whisk Definition
to pick up in a sweeping motion
Careened Definition
rushed recklessly
Emaciated Definition
as thin as a starving person
Wracked Definition
wrecked; ruined