Unit 2: Romeo and Juliet — Vocabulary Flashcards
Choler Definition
Anger; Irascibility
Partisan Definition
a nine foot long pike or spear
Profaners Definition
People who treat without proper reverence
Pernicious Definition
Having a harmful effect; destructive
Wield Definition
Hold and use (a weapon or tool)
Forfeit Definition
A fine or penalty for wrongdoing
Augmenting Definition
Make (something) greater by adding to it; increase
Fray Definition
A noisy fight; skirmish
Chaste Definition
Not having sexual intercourse (ever outside of marriage, or for a long time); not involving sexual desire
Marred Definition
Impair the quality of something; spoil
Languish Definition
To suffer in a bad situation for a long time; to become weak; deteriorate
Fortnight Definition
A period of fourteen consecutive days
Weaned Definition
Perilous Definition
Full of danger or risk
Teat Definition
Valiant Definition
Possessing or showing courage or determination
Hoodwinked Definition
Deceive or trick; conceal one’s true motives
Ambling Definition
To walk leisurely or slowly
Nimble Definition
Quick and agile
Visage Definition
A person’s face or facial expressions
Mire Definition
A soft wet area of low-lying land that sinks underfoot
Courtier Definition
A person who attends a royal court as a companion or adviser to the king or queen
Bode Definition
Be an omen of a particular outcome
Corns Definition
a small, painful area of thickened skin on the foot, especially on the toes, caused by pressure
Knave Definition
A dishonest or unscrupulous man
Nuptial Definition
Relating to marriage or weddings; a weeding
Rapier Definition
A thin, light sharp-pointed sword used for thrusting
Disparagement Definition
To speak of as unimportant or bad; patronize
Semblance Definition
The outward or apparent appearance or form of something
Scathe Definition
To harm or damage; injure
Profane Definition
treat (something sacred) with irreverence or disrespect.
Purged Definition
To free from impurities
Trifling Definition
unimportant or trivial; treat without seriousness or respect
Gapes Definition
be or become wide open; long, be eager, yearn
Heir Definition
A person who inherits or is entitled to the property of another
Conjure Definition
To make something (usually a spirit) appear unexpectedly; implore (someone) to do something
Purblind Definition
having impaired or defective vision; partially blind; dim-witted
Demesne Definition
Territory over which rule or control is exercised
Invocation Definition
The action of invoking someone or something
Discourses Definition
An extended communication dealing with some particular topic
Entreat Definition
Ask earnestly
Peril Definition
Serious danger
Enmity Definition
A state of hostility
Perjuries Definition
Impute Definition
Attribute to; associate with
Procure Definition
To obtain or get through effort
Rite Definition
An act that is part of a usually religious ceremony
Beseech Definition
To request earnestly
Reels Definition
A chronic drinker; move towards
Naught Definition
Wooed Definition
Try to gain the love of (someone), especially with a view to marriage
Rancor Definition
Bitterness or resentfulness
Pox Definition
Viral illness
Mar Definition
Disfigure; ruin
Convoy Definition
Any form of transport of conveyance
Heralds Definition
A person who announces important news
Jaunting Definition
A journey taken for pleasure
Drudge Definition
A person who does tedious, menial or meaningless work
Toil Definition
Work hard
Chide Definition
Scold; criticize
Loathsome Definition
Highly offensive; arousing disgust or aversion
Confound Definition
Overthrow; be confusing or perplexing to
Retire Definition
Stop; withdraw
Apt Definition
Being of striking appropriateness and pertinence
Consort Definition
Associate with; keep company with
Effeminate Definition
Lacking traits typically associated with men or masculinity
Amorous Definition
Strongly attracted or disposed to love, especially sexual love
Tedious Definition
Too long, slow, or dull; tiresome or monotonous
Eloquence Definition
Fluent or persuasive speaking or writing
Fiend Definition
A cruel wicked and inhumane person
Dissemblers Definition
A person who professes beliefs and opinions that he or she do not hold in order to conceal one’s real feelings or motives; hypocrite; imposter
Affliction Definition
A cause of great suffering and distress
Calamity Definition
An event resulting in great loss and misfortune
Mangle Definition
To destroy; ruin
Piteous Definition
Deserving or enticing a feeling of sympathy and sorrow
Denote Definition
Be a name or symbol for; designate; indicate
Sullen Definition
Lamentation Definition
Expression of great sorrow or regret
Sojourn Definition
A temporary stay
Woe Definition
Misery resulting from affliction
Ado Definition
A great deal of fuss, concern, or commotion
Jocund Definition
Full of or showing high-spirited merriment
Loathed Definition
Fickle Definition
Frequently changing
Procures Definition
To obtain or get through effort
Wreak Definition
cause (a large amount of damage or harm); avenge
Immoderately Definition
Not sensible or restrained; excessive
Inundation Definition
Flood; overflow
Pensive Definition
engaged in serious thought; thoughtful
Arbitrating Definition
Reaching an authoritative judgement or settlement
Charnel Definition
Associated with death; a vault for the dead
Surcease Definition
Ending; end; stop; cease
Headstrong Definition
Intelligent; energetically wilful and determined
Prostrate Definition
To lie face down on the ground
Culled Definition
(Of flowers or fruit) picked; chosen; selected
Distraught Definition
Deeply agitated especially from emotion
Warrant Definition
To promise, guarantee, or indicate certainty of something
Solace Definition
Give comfort or consolation to; comfort
Dirge Definition
A lament for the dead, especially one forming part of a funeral rite; a mournful song
Amended Definition
Put right; enhancement
Pestilent Definition
Destructive to life; pernicious
Tarry Definition
Stay longer than intended
Presage Definition
Be a sign or warning of
Apothecary Definition
A person who sells drugs
Penury Definition
Extreme poverty; destitution
Cordial Definition
Warm and friendly
Pestilence Definition
a fatal epidemic disease, especially bubonic plague
Obsequies Definition
Funeral rites p; formal acts done repeatedly
Inexorable Definition
Impossible to stop or prevent
Maw Definition
The jaws or throat of a voracious animal
Sunder Definition
Split apart
Paramour Definition
A lover, especially the illicit partner of a married person
Inauspicious Definition
Not promising
Churl Definition
A rude and mean-spirited person; peasant
Sepulcher Definition
Ambiguities Definition
the quality of being open to more than one interpretation; inexactness
Rigor Definition
Excessive sternness; harshness
Scourge Definition
Something causing misery or death; whip