Unit 3: The Dark Side — Vocabulary Flashcards
Affable Definition
Amenities Definition
comforts and conveniences
Ardent Definition
Brier Definition
a tobacco pipe made from the stems and roots of a shrub
Debacle Definition
a sudden and violent social collapse or disaster
Disarming Definition
no cause for alarm
Doggedly Definition
with great determination
Droll Definition
oddly amusing or comical
Imprudent Definition
Indolently Definition
Lacerated Definition
cut; sliced
Opaqueness Definition
quality of being difficult to see through
Palpable Definition
capable of being felt
Quarry Definition
prey; something to be hunted
Refectory Definition
dining hall
Repast Definition
meal; banquet
Sallow Definition
sickly yellow color
Scruples Definition
concerns; qualms
Solicitous Definition
politely concerned
Staccato Definition
(in music) detached and separated notes
Tangible Definition
able to be touched or felt
Venerable Definition
commanding respect; impressive
Zealous Definition
Absconded Definition
Accosted Definition
Catacombs Definition
network of caves, grottos, or underground passages; originally, a burial district in Rome said to be used by early Christians
Circumscribing Definition
enclosing and limiting
Clamored Definition
shouted; roared
Fettered Definition
bound by chains
Flagon Definition
cruet; ceramic or metal beaker, such as the pitcher used in the Christian Eucharist
Gesticulation Definition
set of gestures
Hearkened Definition
Immolation Definition
sacrifice, especially by fire
Impunity Definition
exemption from punishment
Precluded Definition
made impossible
Promiscuously Definition
in a disordered way; haphazardly
Puncheons Definition
casks containing 84 or 120 gallons
Rampart Definition
Rapier Definition
a slender sword
Retribution Definition
payback; justly deserved punishment
Rheum Definition
watery or thin mucus discharge, as one gets when one has a cold
Unredressed Definition
Balmy Definition
soothing, mild, and pleasant, like balm
Bosom Definition
(in poetic terms) a place of loving care
Crystalline Definition
having characteristics of or made of crystals
Euphony Definition
pleasing, harmonious sounds
Knells Definition
rings slowly and solemnly
Monody Definition
one voice or tone
Sledges Definition
horse–drawn sleighs
Voluminously Definition
with great volume; loudly
Coveted Definition
longed to possess
Dissever Definition
divide; sever
Sepulcher Definition
a cave or room used as a burial site
Seraphs Definition
heavenly beings having three pairs of wings
Beguiling Definition
Gaunt Definition
very thin; bony; worn-looking
Lattice Definition
a framework of overlapping materials
Melancholy Definition
gloominess; sense of sadness
Mien Definition
manner or appearance
Obeisance Definition
bending in respect or obedience
Pallid Definition
extremely pale
Placid Definition
peaceful; serene
Respite Definition
Surcease Definition
an end or stop to something
Wrought Definition
made and shaped
Boisterous Definition
noisy and unruly
Interminably Definition
Jovial Definition
merry; jolly
Paraphernalia Definition
miscellaneous equipment and tools
Perfunctory Definition
routine; cursory
Petulantly Definition
in a pouting manner
Profusely Definition
Reprimands Definition
Ritual Definition
customary practice or codified set of actions
Stoutly Definition
resolutely; with determination
Cryptic Definition
short and puzzling