Unit 5 - Invention and Innovation Flashcards
Constructive Discontent
dissatisfaction with the current state of things or status quo might motivate an inventor to find a better solution.
Desire to make money
innovative designs to generate money
Scientific Curiosity
invention may come about as a part of scientific or technical curiosity
Desire to help others
Fundamental to empathy and Design Thinking.
Lone Inventor
Individual working outside or inside an organization who is committed to the invention of a novel product
An agreement from a government office to give someone the right to make or sell a new invention for a certain number of years
a symbol, word, or words legally registered or established by use as representing a company or product.
Design protection/trade dress
A simple and cost-effective way to protect an innovative shape, appearance or ornamentation
A legal right that grants the creator of an original work exclusive ownership for its use and distribution. Usually for a limited time and within geographical boundaries.
Service Mark
A trademark used to identify a service rather than a product.
Shelved Technologies
A technology invented and developed, but not brought to market
Sustaining Innovation
the continuous development of a product throughout its lifecycle (adding new features, product expansion, economies of scale)
Disruptive Innovation
A product that challenges existing companies to either ignore or embrace the change.
Process Innovation
An improvement in how a product is manufactured and distributed(reduced costs or increased benefits for consumers)
Architectural Innovation
Focuses on how the parts of a design are arranged and interact with each other
Modular Innovation
Focuses on changing a single part of the design, while other parts remain unchanged.
Rate at which a market accepts a new product
The active slowing or prevention of a new product entering the market
Act of insight
An idea that suddenly comes to a person
Describes how a solution in one field is used to provide a solution to a new problem in a different field.
Technology Transfer
Describes how a technology developed in one context is applied in different and new contexts
The use of an idea from one area to develop an innovation in an new area
where designers investigate how nature develops a solution for the design context.
Unexpected discoveries lead to new ideas
Technology Push
Technical development is the driving force of innovation, despite there not being an identified need for a solution
Market Pull
refers to consumer demand for an innovation or solution
Product Champion
Influential individuals, usually working within an organization, develop enthusiasm for a particular idea or invention.
An influential individual who can take an invention to market, often by financing a product’s development, production and diffusion into the marketplace.
Multidisciplinary approach to innovation
group of people with different areas of expertise to maximise the function of the product
Product Life Cycle
Launch, Growth, Maturity, decline
Product versioning
The creation of variations of a product, different models, that are sold at different prices.
Planned obsolescence
A product becomes outdated as a conscious act to ensure a continuing market.
Technological Obsolescence
When a new technology supersedes an existing technology
Functional Obsolescence
Over time, products wear out and break down. Parts are no longer available, and the product can no longer work in the way it originally did
Style(Fashion) Obsolescence
Fashions and trends change over time, which can result in a product no longer being desirable